May Day
I cannot believe it is May 1 already!! Where did the months go? It feels like I was just saying Happy New Year on January 1. Now here it is 5 months later. I love May. There are tons of reasons but the top three are 1) my birthday, 2) DH's birthday and 3) this year will mark my 20th Wedding Anniversary. I also feel happier in the month of May. Not because of the birthday and anniversary but with each passing day, the weather will be more pleasant, I will see more and more color in the flowers, grass and trees and school will be winding down in a little over a month. I cannot wait. I think I am worse than the kids. I am not liking 4th grade these days but that will be for another entry. I am in a good mood today and don't want to ruin it (at least from now til 3:15 pm).
This morning I woke up thinking about goals. Not so much in my everyday life but in stitching and reading. I haven't picked up a book in months. Okay, I have picked them up but not opened them. I love to read and I don't know what is going on with me not reading.
On Sunday evening, DD and I were at Barnes and Noble. She wanted a Nancy Drew book. I got so excited thinking she was going to read the same ones I did. Nope!! There is a whole new "updated" series on Nancy. She is loving them. I bought her the first two of the new series and told her that she would even enjoy the old series that I read when I was young. She advised me that the covers did not appeal to her. Nancy was "old" looking in those. Hmph!! In all honesty she was "old" on those covers when I read them in the 70's, but the stories are timeless. Looks like a new generation is going to be reading a new Nancy Drew. And an FYI, the Hardy Boys are updated too. :)
Well back to the reason for goals in reading. While at Barnes and Noble, I went to the Mystery section to see what was new. I even picked up a couple of books. I love Laura Childs and Joanne Fluke and Diane Mott Davidson. I got the books and started to walk where DD was in the children's section. Then it hit me. I "think" I have both of these books. That minute walk had me going back and forth until I decided to just put them back. I have to check first. Yesterday while straightening up, I pulled a bag from my closet that holds my unread books. There is quite a bit in there. Yep, you guessed it. I had one of the two books I was going to purchase. Sigh...I bought them last year with the intent to read a book a week all summer. I never even finished a chapter in one book. Here I am telling DD that she really has to get back into reading this summer once the horror of 4th grade is over. Meanwhile her mother has yet to practice what she preaches. LOL She is anxious too as she was telling me that she misses reading every night before bed. I may no longer read to her, but she had a beautiful habit that I created of reading every night. It goes way back to when she was just a baby and I read books each night to her and her brother. It dawned on me that she has so much on her shoulders these days that she can't even enjoy a chapter a night. 9 year olds should not have this much pressure on them nowadays. They have their whole life for that. But I am digressing and I am so not going into the 4th grade rant right now. So walking to the check out we made a deal. We are both going to read every night once school is out for the summer. Actually we decided to try before school lets out but I know there are going to be many nights that she will be too burned out to do it. But we can start. So now, I need to organize the bag of books and make a list of what I want to buy and keep that in my wallet. I plan on starting a book tonight. She already started her Nancy Drew. By the end of the summer we are hoping that we read the same amount of books. I told her that she will probably read more than me as some of my books are longer in length. But that is okay. She can win by reading the most. It will really be a win for me too if she accomplishes that.
Now if I can just get her big brother to read...
P.S. The stitching goal will be the next entry tomorrow.
Labels: DD, reading, summer goals
Mia, I loved Nancy Drew but my girls never did catch on to her. But luckily they do love to read other books. Now if I could only get them interested in stitching!
We found a bunch of old Nancy Drews in the attic during my parents' purge. But I'm not sure I'm ready to part with them...
And we do have to figure out a time to get together and stitch!
I was such a Nancy Drew nut, but I loved the Hardy Boys on TV - Parker STevenson, ooh la la! Tee hee!
Missed being here - somehow your feed was dropped from my bloglines!
I loved Nancy Drew - interesting that they've been updated.
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