My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Tesori Update

Last night, I FINALLY sat down to finish up the Trentino region of Tesori. This took me so long because I lost my stitching mojo of sitting down in front of the t.v. and stitching. I don't know why as I really do enjoy stitching on this and it is a welcome change of what I am stitching in the car. I don't have to change colors. :) Here is a picture of the finished region:
And here is what is complete so far. I still have a long way to go and after this row of regions, I will start the central portion with the outline of the country of Italy. But that is still a ways off. I have three regions to complete before I get to that point.

The next region is Abruzzo and hopefully some time this weekend, I will start on that. I was thinking of putting this away for a bit but decided against it. After the Abruzzo region, I may move on but I plan on stitching on this at least one night a week to get it closer to being finished. It is going to be HUGE when it is done.

In other news, I am glad it is Friday. It has been a busy week and I am looking forward to some down time this weekend. Other than getting together with friends tonight and Mass on Sunday, I really have no solid plans. I like weekends like that. Lately it seems we are busy all weekend and then busy all week and then I have a day like today where I don't know where the past few weeks have gone.

Have a great weekend everyone!!



Blogger Carolyn said...

I love your project so far.I can't wait to see it finished:)
I am like you and love having a weekend where you don't plan anything and just hang out.It is my favorite way to spend the weekend.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you making some progress on your project and it looks great! I have more trouble with trying to stitch and having people talk to me-I always mess up.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Gorgeous! I just love this more and more everytime I see it. I may be starting it soon too, I would like to give it to my husband as a gift. I really like the colors you've chosen for yours, so I may borrow that idea from you!

1:29 PM  

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