Stupid Snow and Ice
Sorry this is late but I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's Day!!! Ours was good and we did get a snow day. I thought DD was going to cry when I told her. Of course, she still had the book report to work on but at least her Social Studies was finished.
Well we didn't exactly get socked with snow but we got over 4 inches and then the ice and sleet. It was not pretty. I am so not a snow person. I can't wait for Spring!!! This morning there was a late delay at school and I had to drive on top of this snow and ice. Yucko!! The plow did come down our street yesterday and laid down salt and snow melt but the temperatures here are horrible and there was no way anything was going to melt. In fact, it all froze up again. So I drove the kids to school, praying the whole time, that we would get there in one piece. Those prayers were answered and I get to do it all again this afternoon.
Thanks for your kind words to my rant the other day. I just hate when my kids are overwhelmed. They are kids!! They should not be overwhelmed at their ages. Now when they get to be my age that is a different story. LOL
I managed a little stitching but now I am catching a cold and until my headache and faucet of a nose stops, I think the stitching will be on hold.
For today, I have to clean up all the snow gear that is all over the house and get dinner prepared. I plan on enjoying the peace and quiet in my house. It has been a few days since I had quiet.
I best be getting off here. I want to relax my head and then get my dinner started. Before too long I will be out in this blasted cold to go get the kids.
Have a great day!!
Elementary age kids shouldn't be loaded down with too much homework IMO. My 5th grade year was overwhelming for me and I'll never forget it and all the headaches I had as a result. So I truly sympathize with your DD! Hugs!
oooh, hope you are feeling better soon! I'm with you on the snow thing; I could seriously just hibernate all winter if I didn't have things I needed to do!
Hope you feel better today, Mia.
Another year with no snow here...
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