My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Flip That Flopped

I can't find the post right now but remember when I said I was doing this and I didn't care if it was after July 4th that it was staying up all summer. Well, it is now in the trash!!! Trust me, I don't take trashing cross stitch stuff lightly but this really got the best of me. I had almost the whole flip flop finished when I realized there was a BIG mistake. I frogged the entire thing. There is nothing wrong with the chart. It is definitely the stitcher in this case. So I started fresh and restitched it. I....made....the....same....mistake.... TWICE!!! I cannot believe I did that. This pattern is not hard. I was even doing it on plain ole 16 ct. light blue aida. I lost my mind to have done it not once but twice. So on Friday when this happened for the second time, it was trashed and it went merrily with the trash men this morning. Good riddance!!

I was about to restart it with fresh aida but decided I am not going to chance it a third time.

Yeah, yeah, I know...third time could be the charm, but I have no desire to do it now.

Then came the dilemma...what am I going to stitch at the pool, park, car, traveling, etc. I cannot tote Tesori around with me. It is 4 feet worth of linen that I am not risking.

On Saturday I decided I wanted to stitch something for Halloween. I found a pattern. I found the material. I didn't have half the threads and was too lazy to go buy them. So I nixed that.

Then I decided to do a couple ornaments for gifts for Christmas. Again, I found the pattern, had the threads, but not the material. ARGHH!!!!

This morning, I realized at around 10 AM we were going to the pool for the day and I had nothing to do there besides vegetate when I wasn't in the pool. Not good!! I am on a diet and idle hands means, I am going to eat. So I did what any red-blooded stitcher does. I dug in the drawer of WIPS that has been growing for quite awhile. I only had an hour so I dumped the drawer and started digging.

Guess what I turned up? A Christmas project. I started this back in December with the intention of finishing it for Christmas 2005. It is 12 Days of Christmas by Hinzeit. It is the PERFECT project to take to the pool. Not big, not small and I can finish a number or two per day. I should have this finished in no time. There are other things in that WIP drawer that may see the light of day before the end of the summer.

I happily stitched on numbers 9-12 until my friend C came and we chatted for a couple of hours til I had to come home and start dinner. It turned into a really awesome pool day with my newly dug out project.

In a way, I am glad the flip flop flopped. I now have Christmas in July and some WIPS and small kitted projects that may be finished before school starts in September.

P.S. I am not giving up on my flip flop. The chart is tucked away for next summer when I will have hopefully forgotten what happened the first time I tried to stitch it. :)


Blogger Judy said...

Yikes! That would be totally frustrating!

11:50 PM  
Blogger Concetta said...

LOL @ Mia! You are too funny, girl! At least you can laugh about it, though. :-)) Your other project sounds like it's really coming along... I'll look forward to hearing about a happy dance soon.

5:39 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

How disheartening! I am glad you found a project that you are happy to be working on. It helps to get some of those WIPs out of the drawer and finished!

1:50 PM  
Blogger Dianne said...

Sorry about your flip flop project. Was it a big opps or could you have worked around it? Sometimes I just stitch over top of the opps and I'm the only one who knows. ; )
Glad you found a new project for the pool.

9:37 AM  

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