My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm Still Around

I am so sorry for the lack of blogging lately. One, I haven't had the time. Two, I haven't picked up a needle in about 2 weeks and three, I could not blog about what happening til after the big day.

For a couple of months now, my sister in law, brother in law, DH, father in law and just about everyone of the 12 of us have been planning a 50th birthday party for my DH and sis in law's sister. This was not an easy task. You see, R is their older sister and R loves doing things for us but never wants anything in return. Not even a party. So we have had lots of ups and downs because she knew something was going to happen. She just didn't know when. Of course we had the perfect excuse to have a huge party here. DS turned 13 and she knew I would do something special for him and probably wait for her. It was not happening. I asked DS if we could postpone his party to have his aunt's party first and close to his big day. He was great and said he didn't mind if we did Zia's (aunt) first.

So my sister in law and I have been buying, inviting, preparing, ordering food, shopping, etc. for awhile now. The party was this past Saturday and last week we were way over the top busy for the event.

R's husband, my DH and C's husband and my nephews and father in law made sure all the tables, tents, beverages, etc were set up just right and by 11 PM on Friday night all was well. It was just making sure she was here on Saturday that was our concern. But we really had nothing to worry about even when my oldest nephew (R's son) asked me if I had a death wish. LOL That wasn't about to stop me or C from doing something very special for R.

The party was a great success and I am still reeling from it all. It was worth every second of preparation and nervousness and anxiety that I have been experiencing for some time. Of course, the party happened all weekend because the family all came back (13 of us along with our nephews' friends and close neighbors of R) to watch Italy win the World Cup yesterday. What a game and it was so much fun to have a house full of family yesterday. That is when I really enjoyed myself. I think I barely ate at the party on Saturday so I enjoyed many leftovers with close family and friends yesterday.

Being an only child and now parentless, this is my family. We have our ups and downs but I have never been made to feel like an in-law in the 23 years I have known my DH. I feel so proud to be part of this wonderful family and I was honored to be part of a party for a wonderful woman that I call sister. I am tired today and need to go back to my regular routine (read that LAUNDRY) today. But it is a good tired and I plan on enjoying my day today. The best part is knowing that I don't have to run out for one more thing for the party. I am sure C feels the same way today. Only difference is she had to go to work today. I hope she is not as tired as me and her day goes quick.

In other news, the swing set we ordered for DD is being installed tomorrow. It should have been installed over a week ago but because of the bad rain we had, they were behind in their installs. So tomorrow my DD and probably DS will be happily swinging in the backyard.

I also plan on stitching today. I put it all away during my cleaning up for the party. I am anxious to work on Tesori. Now my niece wants to do it too. I can't wait to see the colors she picks out. We are hoping to get a nice piece of material for her at CATS. Speaking of which, I need to make our room reservation. Gosh, I hope they still have rooms available. I haven't had the time nor the extra cash to do the reservation but I plan on that today.

For the rest of the week, I plan on getting my laundry done as it has grown into Mount Everest, get the swing set installed and get to the pool with the kids. They have been great during the preparation for their Zia's party. They deserve to kick back and enjoy their summer now that they can get their mom's full attention once again. As for DS, his party will be toward the end of July but on a much smaller scale than his aunt's party.

Have a great day everyone!! I need to go sort that laundry and start my day.


Blogger Michelle said...

Whew! Congrats on throwing a fabulous party and that it was such fun for everyone. The planning that goes into something like that - not to mention the emotional ups and downs is very draining! Relax and get back to stitching on Tesori. You have me wanting to stitch it too!

3:54 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Wow, congrats on pulling off a terrific party! Good luck on getting back to stitching!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Concetta said...

The party sounded very special, Mia! Congrats on it's wonderful success. Throw Italy winning the World Cup into it all and that was some weekend you guys had over there! ;-) You have a wonderful family... they are also very lucky to have you! I can't wait to see more updates on Tesori. :-)

10:27 AM  
Blogger Von said...

Mia, how wonderful of you all to do something special for you dsil! I understand her not wanting anyone to fuss, but I'm sure she appreciated it!

8:47 PM  

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