Happy Friday to all of you!!! It has been a whirlwind week around here. The only bright spot was that there was no school to think of. I spent most of this week trying to balance going to the pool club for the kids and trying to get my house back together. That leaves me with tons of stuff to do but I figure I will find my new summer schedule in the next week or so. :)
This weekend will be kind of laid back. Tomorrow my plan is to get my living room back to the way it was before we invaded it during the remodel. With us out of there it is already cleaner and I didn't clean it yet. LOL DH should be around tomorrow so he can help as he has offered because he sees me a bit overwhelmed the past few days. So that should only be a day job if he helps. If not, it will be two days. I am not going to get stressed out.
We are loving being back in our family room. It looks awesome and I will take pictures early next week to share with you.
The only thing I need now is to settle in my new stitching spot. It has not been easy. I do like sitting on the end of the sofa as we have the dual recliner things on each end. But then I don't know where to put my stitching supplies. I guess I need to buy those end tables very soon (maybe tonight). We do have another recliner chair that sits by itself but again, there is the table issue. I have managed to stitch a little bit this week but not much. I have been trying to get the house into some kind of order so I can enjoy the majority of the summer with minimal cleaning up. The kids are even under strict orders that once a room is finished they must pick up or else I am trashing whatever I see. I swear sometimes I live with pigs instead of children (and DH too). LOL
Now I must thank all of you who have commented on my progress on Tesori. I really am liking it and did manage a small start on the Liguria region which is the 3 panel/square whatever you would like to call it. I am hoping to spend some time on it this weekend.
Judy, there are 20 regions to stitch along with another central panel of the country of Italy. (21 sections total) Some regions have more stitching than others. Lazio was testament to that with lots of solid stitching. Liguria has lots of little motifs so I am hoping that stitches up quicker.
Cathy, yes I will be taking Tesori to CATS with me to show you and Jo and anyone else I may meet from the blogging world that knows "me". I won't be working on it but it will be packed away to show off. I can just imagine how it will look in the next couple months so it will really look like something then.
Concetta, welcome to my blog. I will be adding your blog to my side bar. To give you a little background, my DH and his family are from Italy, the Puglia region to be exact. He was born in Trani. DH and his family has lived in the USA for 38 years and my DFIL goes back often to visit his sister and her family. In fact, we have family visiting here right now. That is another reason why no blogging this week. I always wanted to stitch something for DH. He appreciates my stitching even though he feels I never finish anything. LOL I saw Tesori a few months ago when I followed a link that someone posted on a bb. They said it was a free pattern. Well of course I went there expecting something small to medium in size. I was amazed and fell in love with it. It wasn't til a couple months ago, that I decided to stitch it because we were redoing our family room and it would be perfect for the new room. Here is the website so you can see for yourself Tesori I am also part Italian as my mother's family comes from Abruzze. My MIL was Abruzze too so this is a great heirloom piece I am working on.
I am also working on my little flip flop design at the pool. It doesn't look like much yet but hopefully will be finished some time in July. I don't care that it says July 4 on it. It will be on display all summer in my house. LOL When I take pictures of the family room next week, I will take a picture of my progress on the flip flop project.
Well I better get moving. Lucky for me the kids are still asleep and I had some time to surf the web and check out some blogs.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Holy moley girl! 21 parts to that thing? YIKES! You go girl!
I can't wait to see your pics of your new room - I'll bet it is FABULOUS!
Mia, Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog and for taking the time to tell me about your Tesori piece. What a wonderful story to accompany your beautiful stitching.... it's most definitely an heirloom piece. I look forward to seeing your progress on it very much. :)
Knowing you made it through your remodel is keeping me going through mine, lol! And I think my kids are pigs too. My consolation is that my oldest dd (married) has told me that she hears me in her head telling her to be sure to clear the counters and sink before she starts baking or cooking. So even tho we may not see much fruit in our home, our voice remains in their heads! :D
Tesori is looking beautiful. I am so excited to see an Italian Sampler like this. My husband's family is Italian - so this would be a perfect stitch for him. Your remodel is looking great too - I love that tile on your fireplace.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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