Another Lazy Day..
I am hoping for another day like yesterday. feels great not to have to be anywhere today. Last night I never got to stitch because DD wanted to play her Mario game. Yes we are still stuck!!!! LOL DS is no help. He started his own game. So the blind is leading the blind and we are still where we were the day before. But we had fun.
Yesterday when I went to FIL's to do the pacemaker check, he informed me that his cousin (DH's second cousin????) is coming either today or tomorrow. They took a cruise from Italy to wherever and landed in New York and then went somewhere else and will spend some time here. They are nice people but they never give FIL specific information. So that means we are all "on call" so to speak. That means houses must be neat and at the ready for when they visit. It also means that we have no idea how long they will be here. It is usually a couple of weeks but one time it was like a month. Years ago, they bought a condo near here so we don't have to worry about where they will stay but we do have to scramble to get them rental cars or take them places. Since I am home and father in law is home, it may be us to do the initial carting around. I don't mind but with my two little ones, it is not easy. So this should be interesting. When we lived in Philly, we were 1/2 hour away from here so I was never "on call". Now I am. But it should be nice. At least I hope so. We haven't seen them in a couple years so it should be nice to catch up. But it will not be like last year when DH's cousins were here. Oh how I adore them and I cried the hardest when they left after New Year's. I wish it was them coming back.
Just a little father in law still has a sister and her four daughters and their families living in Italy and my father in law normally goes every year but this year he isn't. And my father in law has this cousin and his famly still living in Italy.
But anyway, even though it is not R and N coming, it will be a nice visit. Hopefully they brought chocolate. LOL I adore Italian chocolate.
So for today, after I get off this box, I will shower and straighten and finish the laundry just like I did yesterday. The house is rather neat and should remain that way. We are trying a new rule on the kids and so far it is working. But then again, Santa just came a few days ago and they are still being good. Or else they are tired or else they are sick of hearing me and DH telling them to clean up or it goes in the trash. LOL
Tonight I am going to try out my deep fryer for dinner. There are these little dough things called Panzarotti and it is like an inside out pizza. I found a recipe on the internet and I am going to try it. This should be interesting. I tried it years ago, but I used a yeast dough and they came out horrible. So now I am doing a pasta based dough (no yeast) and will see how that turns out. DH is the one who wants it. He was the one who found the recipe. LOL I will let you know how it turns out.
I am also hoping to stitch tonight. I keep talking about it, thinking about it, dreaming about it and never doing it. Something has to give. Also AC Moore is having floss 8 for $1.00 and sis in law and I may just do a floss run. I will have to tell her later.
Have a great day everyone!! The weather is going to be warmer today (in the high 40s) much to the disappointment of my kids. They want snow in the worst way so they can try out the new snowboards that Santa brought. Me, I am in no rush for them to snowboard or to even have the snow and ice that will eventually make its way here.

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