Stitching Goals for 2005
Before I list what I would like to accomplish in stitching for the coming year, I want to thank you all for the kind comments you wrote about my Best Gift Ever. It really meant a lot to me and I know some of you have followed the saga of school and my DS. Things seem to be looking up and I am forever grateful for that.
In a couple of short hours, my kids will be out of school for the Christmas break. I am sooooo looking forward to that. Today I have normal stuff to do like laundry and housework and I will do it again tomorrow in preparation for the Big Day ahead. Last night it felt so great to sit and watch t.v. and not have to worry about shopping, wrapping, baking or any other holiday preparation. I plan on the same tonight but I will sit with my stitching. I know it will feel great.
With that said, here is what I would like to accomplish stitching-wise and me-wise for 2005.....
First me. I do this every year and it seems to work but my wish for me in 2005 is for me to find more patience and understanding and to not sweat the small stuff so much. I will try not to obsess over every little thing and I will be more tolerant in whatever life throws me. I will also enjoy each day more.
Now for the stitching....In 2005 I want to do the following:
1. Finish Coffee and/or Fire Dragon
2. After said big finish above, I want to add another big project or two and definitely add in a Mirabilia. (It will either be Touching the Autumn Sky or Giggles in the Snow)
3. Finish Celtic Prayer (my current car project) by February.
4. Stitch a Christmas project to hang in my home. (I have never ever stitched a Christmas thing for my house other than a couple ornaments)
5. Stitch and finish some ornaments. Originally I was going to do an ornament a month but that is not realistic for me. I plan on doing at least 6.
6. Try to find a rotation plan that works for me. For right now I am going to wing it and do each big project in sections. I will post progress pics occasionally.
7. Enjoy each stitch.
8. Have more than two itty bitty finishes for 2005. LOL
There now that it is in writing, I feel better. And since this will be archived I can always look back and maybe do a mid-year update to see how I am doing.
I am hoping I will get to write one more entry before Christmas Eve, but if I don't I want to wish all of you (my new friends) a very Merry Christmas. I treasure each of you and am so blessed to have many wonderful online friends.

Giggles in the snow, giggles in the snow... We could have a SAL, they're always lots of fun :)
I like your plans for 2005, I wish you lots of fun stitching the whole year long! No frogs visiting, stitching slumps, different dye-lot problems or anything like.
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