Ahhhh A Normal Day Ahead
I am looking forward to a normal type day around here. We have nowhere to be except at 9:30 this morning when I need to go to father in law's and do a pacemaker phone check. My kind of day.
Last night we had company. It was DH's cousin and his wife who are M's godparents. So yesterday I spent the day cleaning and putting stuff away. As luck would have it, DD went to a friend's house and DH came home from work early. So he helped and with only one child here, we breezed through the house. So the house is all sparkly and all I need to do today is the mountains of laundry. It is not so bad when that is all I really need to do today.
Of course I woke up early this morning because I had the pacemaker check on my mind. DFIL does not want you to be late and I kept thinking in my sleep that I was going to be late so that woke me up. But walking through the house, I realized I can do whatever I want today if the kids let me.
DS has been holed up in his room with his new stereo and playstation2 games. We only see him for meals, bathroom breaks and computer breaks. LOL But I told DH the novelty will wear off and DS really needs the downtime. He is having fun and that is all that matters. DD moves from toy to toy or her gamecube. When she plays gamecube, she wants me to play but we are having fun with a Mario game. But let me tell you, that game got hard last night. So I went to bed. LOL Maybe DS will get DD and me out of the bind we are in. LOL
Today I may pull out the stitching for the first time since before Thanksgiving. I have had time to think and I think I will finish up the page on the Coffee design and then go back to the Fire Dragon for a bit. It isn't January yet and I am not quite ready to kit anything up or look for an ornament to stitch.
I also have to do some maintenance on my blog. It isn't much because I am so computer illiterate but I have a list of blogs I want to add to my blogroll. I feel bad that I have now appeared on so many blogs but they are not on mine yet. So that is on the to-do list for some time between now and the weekend.
Also DH has to add a new memory chip to our computer. DD got a game that requires more memory and DS has a game that I just can't figure out because I have all the requirements. I need to dig a little bit on the website to see what the problem is. I hate that they can't play something because of our so-called ancient computer (only 3 years old). But this is the first upgrade we have done so hopefully all will go smooth. If not, I have threatened to get a new one. LOL
I better get myself together to go to father in law's. I also hear little footsteps so I want to check if it is DS or DD. I told them they can go to fil's in pjs. Thank goodness, fil lives around the corner, a half a block away. Also, it is freezing here today as it was yesterday and we got a dusting of snow. I don't want snow yet. I still need to get snow boots for both kids. So far they have their snow pants, coats, gloves, hats, etc, but no boots. So hopefully I will get them by tomorrow. I told DH I don't want to wait like I did one year and then went from store to store til I found something that fit both kids. Not good and I never liked those boots on either of them.
Have a great day everyone!!!! I am going to do the same.

Did you do any stitching yesterday Mia??!
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