Tis the Season..
to catch a cold!!!!! As if the virus last week wasn't enough. LOL But I caught a head/sinus cold and I have a cough. I just can't catch a break. I told DH I am good for the rest of the winter. I sure hope so and will keep my fingers crossed that my DS and DD do not bring home any germies. Ick!!! But a cold is a cold and I am taking care of it.
I am trying to get caught up on laundry and other household things. It isn't working as I keep doing something else. LOL But I am going to be a good girl and get everything done between tomorrow and Thursday so I can have that last free weekend til Christmas to get all the Christmas stuff done. I still want to bake two more types of cookies and some fudge. I wanted to do more candy but it will just have to be store bought unless I get up the motivation. I still have more Christmas shopping to do but it is coming along nicely. Sis in law and I went out Sunday evening and I managed to put a big dent in the kids gifts. I only need a few more things for DD and some little things for DS and that is that with them. Of course I still need to buy gifts for a few people but it will get done. Sis in law and I are hitting the mall Friday night after dinner. Hmmmm....I better think of something quick to make.
I *could* do more decorating but I think I may pass. The tree is up and decorated and I have a few things out in the living room. I just don't know where to put the rest of the stuff. So I am not going to sweat the small stuff. Besides I just don't feel like pulling out and going through more boxes. I have seen enough boxes this year. :)
I am starting to think about my year and what I did, didn't do and what I can do better. I also am thinking of what I want for next year in the way of ME and Stitching. If I get a chance I may start it this week. If not, I am sure it will all be posted before the New Year. I dont' really make resolutions. I always try to better myself but I do like to have "wishes" for what I want the coming year to be. So at least I may have some interesting blog entries in the next couple weeks. :)
Anyway, I better go make dinner. Soup and grilled cheese tonight. My favorite kind of meal.
Have a great evening everyone and stay warm. It is downright cold here and it going to go below freezing tonight. ACK!!!

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