It's Almost Here....
I can't believe how this month has flown by. I can't believe I am actually ready for the holiday. Well almost ready. I forgot to buy DD shoes for her Christmas outfit. Can you believe it?? LOL
With that said, I am going to enjoy today. DH is working half a day and then we need to run out for a few things including said shoes. We are also going to do what we call our cemetary runs today too. First I will go to my parents' grave and then my mother in law's grave. Then after that, I need to stop at the grocery store to get a few things to prepare dishes for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. After that, we need to get those shoes or else she will wear have to wear her black sneakers. LOL Then it is home to enjoy a nice evening before tomorrow.
We are having Christmas Eve at my sis in law R's house. We are an Italian family and we do the traditional 7-fish dinner for Christmas Eve. Okay so sometimes we don't have 7 fishes but we do have fun and we are always together. BIL G just came a little while ago with my fish order. I am making my famous clams casino and then I need to get some littlenecks as DH's family likes raw fish too. They are from Bari, Italy on the Adriatic side of Italy right in the heel of the boot. So raw fish (shudder) is something they are accustomed to. I like anything cooked and before you go ewwww, we are having eel too. It really is good on the grill and that is the only way I eat it. It just looks like pieces of white fish. But this morning BIL burned an image in my brain. He proudly showed me the LIVE eels in the bag. Oh My Goodness!!!! Now how am I going to eat the darn fish. LOL
We are having Christmas Dinner at sis in law C's house. She is planning on prime rib, taters, veggies and whatever else R and I decide to bring. For that I am making a spinich artichoke baked dip and maybe a cheesecake or other yummy dessert.
I am actually looking forward to the holiday and can't wait to see the kids' faces on Christmas morning. Half the stuff they are getting, they didn't ask for. You should see their lists. Some of the stuff DS asked for isn't even available yet (video game system just released in Japan not HERE). But I think they will be pleased.
Best of all, I am looking forward to the downtime the next week will bring. Of course there is visiting and people stopping over, but we don't have to worry about school and all that goes with it. The kids are ready for their break and so am I.
Anyway, as soon as DD gets up (DS is an early riser), we need to get over to sis in law R's house so I can pick up DH's Christmas gift and get it wrapped before he gets home from work. Then we will run out and hopefully that will not take long and hopefully the stores are not overwhelming.
I don't have a written clams casino recipe. It is something I made up which is close to what a restaurant here serves. I will try to pay attention to the amounts I add and I will post it here for all of you who might enjoy clams casino. They are always a big hit and my sis in law was surprised that I am doing them this year. I took a couple year break from them as it is hard work opening 5 dozen or so clams right before Church on Christmas Eve. LOL
I want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas!!! I hope you all enjoy your day and I wish you Christmas blessings now and in the year to come!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

Merry Christmas Mia!!
Enjoy your holidays!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
It sounds like you have had a wonderful Christmas, and what great gifts you received from your children. I hope you have a great year in 2005.
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