A Bunch Down, A Few to Go
I just got in a little while ago, but I had to share......I am FINISHED Christmas shopping for my kids. I can't believe it. Going into today, my DD was barely started. DS was about 1/2 way there. But tonight I can say other than stocking stuffers, I am DONE shopping for my kids.
Sis in Law R and I went out at 7:30 and we arrived home at 10:00 PM. Not bad considering we went to two stores and they were crowded. Before we came home, we stopped at FIL's and I dropped my goodies off there. Now I am down to getting gifts for both sis in laws and my boss. Who knows, I may just be able to wrap everything over the weekend. (an FYI--Santa doesn't wrap presents; we wrap presents for those we give).
Also before I go, thanks for the well wishes for my cold. It really isn't that bad other than the cough. If I can just get a good nights rest, I would be just fine but as it is I am up half the night coughing. Maybe because I coughed so much today, I will get a good night's rest tonight.
Have a good night all!!! Talk to you tomorrow!

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