Snow Days
Well we got socked!!! The 6-12 inches ended up being more like 16 and now it is windy and blowing and there are drifts as high as my DD. But I have to say I like having snow and it is the first snowstorm in our new house and let me tell you, the view is so different than the one I used to have when we lived in Philly. It is beautiful and serene. Our township is great with plowing the streets and by last night I had seen a plow truck at least 4 times. I am sure they went through again during the night. But this morning you couldn't see the street again because of the drifting and blowing snow.
I have to tell you that I absolutely HATE driving in the snow. I am a wimp and I am nervous if the kids have school tomorrow because I don't have a "safe" route to drive. You see where we used to live had lots of hills and there was one route I took which was the safest to me even though it was a little out of the way. Well I don't have one here as this is our first snowstorm. I guess I will try some out tomorrow. I have two ways out of my street but then I have four ways after that to get to school one being a long way. But that may not necessarily be the best way. I don't know but will find out then. Til tomorrow (if there is school), I plan on another great snow day inside my warm house.
Last night after dinner, DH and the kids went out and cleared the snow. The kids had a blast but this snow wasn't the type for snowmen or sledding or snowboarding. But they had a lot of fun and even helped their dad. That was about all they could do with this snow. It was very light and powdery. When they came in, I had hot chocolate all ready for them. We then settled in and watched Trading Spaces which I haven't seen in forever. It was interesting. They did two castles in Scotland. I don't think one of the homeowners was too thrilled though. Sheesh, they sign up for these shows so they should know what to expect sometimes. LOL But anyway, I stitched for a bit yesterday while watching tv and I plan on the same today.
On today's agenda, is making spaghetti sauce (here in my neck of the woods we call it gravy) and a little laundry to stay caught up and STITCHING!!!! Oh and one more thing, watching the EAGLES beat Atlanta. LOL You should see the news around here. Forget the snow, people need to get to the game (if they have tickets) or we need to watch the game. That is how important it is!! One more game is all that is between the Eagles and Superbowl and this is it. Philadelphia fans are passionate and we have a bad reputation as such but they are the best fans out there. We are true to the end and if it is the end today, the fans are the first to say so. LOL I enjoy watching it unfold on the news before and after the game. If we win today, you will hear this area rock tonight. It has been a long time since we went to a Superbowl (or Stanley Cup, or World Series, or whatever they call the basketball one). Philly is due and I hope it happens today. The Eagles have played long and hard to get where they are and I feel they deserve it. (my opinion) I keep telling myself that I hope they don't choke. LOL Bad I know, but that is what seems to happen with our teams anymore.
So today is another down time day and I am looking forward to it. I better go and get my gravy started and the towels out of the dryer.
Have a great day everyone.
Please anyone who has this snow, stay safe and warm and do some stitching!!!

Only 6 inches of snow for us but that's plenty for me. Have a great Sunday and keep warm!
Hi Mia,
we had snow, but that being said, it's melting. It was so little, that you had to look twice :)
But these days are about 0-2 degrees C, so it finally feels like winter.
Enjoy the snow and drive safely!
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