Coffee Progress

Coffee 1/17/05

Here is my latest progress on Coffee. Hopefully I will pick this back up in the beginning of February. I tried playing with the scan because it doesn't look like I did a lot but I am computer illiterate and don't even go on about me and my scanner abilities. LOL But I wanted to note that there is a winter white/white border surrounding the corner of the design.
Hi Mia,
I think I see the border :). It looks like a wonderful design. Maybe I wasn't reading carefully, but are you stitching anything else nowadays, or don't you have the time to stitch? Because you'll pick this up in Frebruary.
Have a nice time
Anneke, I am doing a kind of rotation with my projects. Right now I have two big ones, the Coffee one and Fire Dragon by Cross My Heart which will be for my DS. I also have a few little things going on. So I am always stitching. I just like to break things up a bit so I don't get bored. :)
Hi Mia, It's really chilly down here too! Both your WIPs are looking great but I'm happy we get to see the colorful dragon soon. I know you like to stitch 10 x 10 blocks so I was wondering if you keep starting and ending threads or if you "park" them to use later (I hope that makes sense!). Keep warm! Jo
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