Thursday Ho-Hum
Not much to talk about today. It snowed yesterday and we got about an inch. Today's temps are going to be in the thirties and then tomorrow we are back in the deep freeze with a high of 17. ACK!!! But at least tomorrow is Friday and I love Fridays. After I got the kids to school, I ran a few errands and now I can do my household stuff that is never ending. But so far I have made progress and will continue through the day.
Last night I got to stitch for a blissful 2 hours and managed to do two full grid blocks on the dragon. I am at the point where I will be able to zip through the rest with those two colors. If I keep up a good pace, I will be able to get back to Coffee before February. I guess we will see how everything goes. When I don't have plans and look forward to doing nothing, something always turns up. But for now, I have nothing on the agenda for the weekend.
We are supposed to get socked with a snowstorm Saturday into Sunday. They are saying now it is "significant" but they are not saying how much because of how the system is developing. Fine by me. My only complaint is that the kids go out and play til they are soaked and then they don't understand that they have to wait to go back out because their snow suits, gloves, hats, etc. need to dry. DD is still young enough to understand she has to wait for the dryer to buzz. DS keeps watching the timer on the dryer. Watching doesn't make the dryer buzz any sooner. LOL But they have fun and last night with the little inch we got, they were outside playing while DH cleared the driveway. I would have gone out but I was doing the dinner dishes. I swear the three of them left the table the minute DH said he wanted to clear the snow. LOL But they all had fun and I had fun watching from the window inside my nice, cozy house.
Well I guess that is about it for today. Have a great day everyone!!!

Thanks for telling us about your stitching method - it's always interesting to find out how other people stitch. I hope we get lots of snow over the weekend. I am in the mood to make a snowman! I'm really just a kid at heart!
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