Exam Week
I really wanted to name this post Hell Week. A long time ago before I had my kids, my then neighbor named this week. I just laughed. How hard can end of year exams for grade school children be? Then I had kids and those kids entered grade school. Up til last year, it was pretty easy. I devoted most of my time to my DS who is older and has much more material to cover. DD basically just had spelling, reading, math and Religion. Well I can now appreciate what my neighbor said all those years ago. Last night was pure torture and it was only DD I was working with.
Her exam schedule is basically this...Spelling and Reading all week long. It is a booklet type test and the teacher does parts of it from now til the end of the week.
Wednesday - Religion and Math Part 1
Thursday - Social Studies and ILA (English, Phonics, Writing, etc)
Friday - Science and Math Part 2
Now here is the problem and I wanted to pull my hair out last night. Religion and Math are the entire year. We started at chapter one for both subjects last night. She remembered practically NOTHING!!! Religion is the whole book as is Math. Only thing is Math covers 14 chapters. We went through 7 of them last night with her doing the review sections of each chapter. Religion is a whole other story. There are feast days and Abraham and David and Jesus and Mysteries of the Rosary and Holy Days and Advent and Lent and the Triduum and it is exhausting. I can't keep track of the dates. By the time we went to bed, my poor DD was confused and stressed out. She took the Religion book to bed with her. Sigh...
Tonight we cannot devote TONS of time to Religion and Math as we have Social Studies. I went over her spelling word list and told her do not bother to bring it home again. She got them all right with the exception of "thermometer", "silence", "except", and "granddaughter". I plan on just going over those 4 words with her the rest of the week.
Add to the mix that DS now has to sit with me too to review. Only his reviews are worse, much worse. My afternoons are going to go like this. For today only, DD will have to sit with me for 45 minutes this afternoon after school going over Social Studies or maybe Religion. I haven't made up my mind yet. Then this evening after dinner dishes are finished, DD and DS will sit with me. While DD is going through Math Review chapters, I will work with DS. While DS is in the shower, I will go over Social Studies with DD. Tomorrow same thing but it will be both Science and Social Studies and she will sit longer than 45 minutes in the afternoon. Sigh...again.
So don't worry if you don't hear from me til the end of the week. Then you won't even need to read my blog because you will hear me cheering Friday afternoon that Hell Week is over.
I remember those days. My son started to study on his own and I guess he learned what to do (he's a college sophomore now). Good luck to the kids-it will all be over soon enough.
Oh, Mia! It will soon be over! I'll pray that somehow all this studying will stay in their brains and that they'll recall the material they need during the tests.
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