Picture Overload Ahead
Good Morning Everyone!!!We had a great weekend and I am looking forward to school ending and enjoying the summer. I had plans on posting yesterday but I spent the day getting re-organized after having the entire family home for the weekend.I finally took pictures and even though I loaded them into Blogger the way I wanted them to appear, Blogger didn't want to cooperate so bear with me. The first picture is my brand new Pella Window. At least in this picture you can see the color of the walls, the beautiful woodwork my DH did, the crown moulding DH did and a tiny portion of the only piece of furniture in the room which is my computer desk.
Next up which should have been last is the other ongoing project from the winter which is my back patio which is next to the family room. DH did the knee wall and here is my landscaping which DH did and I helped by picking out the plants. I am already enjoying sitting outside on our patio.
Here is the entire picture of the patio. The only thing left is drywalling the underneath of the roof and adding a ceiling fan. Yesterday while it was shaded, it was hot underneath. Hopefully in the next month after the family room is complete, DH will complete what little bit is left for the patio.
This is a picture of the tile which extends from the landing straight across the back of the room. When I take a picture of the entire room when finished, hopefully you will see all of it. The opening on the left is the landing from the living room to the family room. The opening on the right is the powder room and the little opening you can see at the top is my laundry room. The ugly white doors you see are my two closets (yes, I have two). DH is planning on getting new doors for the closets and laundry room this weekend. He will then stain and hang them. He also needs to finish the outside of the door to the powder room.
Here is my brand new fireplace. I am so proud of the work DH did. There was really blood, sweat and tears with this baby. The only thing DH did not do was install the black gas fireplace unit. It is in the corner of the room right next to the patio doors. He finished the tile, trim and top over the weekend. The tile is the same tile we have on the walls of the powder room. We wanted to tie in the entire room and not get too busy with different tile and trim. All that is left is the grout. The top of the fireplace is marble tile. I couldn't get a good picture of it so I figure I will just tell you what is up there. It is the same marble on the floor. DH did such a great job on this. I am so lucky to have such a handy DH. He also saved us tons of money. :)
I spent a good portion of yesterday getting myself in order so I can spring clean the kitchen. I plan on doing that tomorrow. It isn't such a bad job but it takes the majority of the day. Today I need to do some grocery shopping and straightening.I finally stitched last night after a week long absence of stitching because of allergies. I am almost finished St. Peter's Basilica in the Lazio (Rome) region of Tesori. I also finished the first page of California Wine Sampler yesterday. I will get progress pictures by the weekend so you can see my progress on both projects.It has been unseasonably hot here and today we are getting a bit of a break. I have the windows open now but I know by this afternoon, the AC will be kicking in. It will be a perfect evening to stitch and relax.Have a great day everyone!!
Oh Mia! Your hubby is doing such a wonderful job! WOW!
I did manage to get mine out on a ladder yesterday evening to paint some trim work on our house that he started in January of 2005...we have a 4 sides masonry house, so the only thing that needs painting is the eaves and trim...a YEAR AND A HALF!!!
You should be very proud of that man you have there - WOW!
Wow! Knowing the layout of the room really helps to imagine how good everything looks. I'm sure you're thrilled!
Mia - yay! I've been so wanting to see some pics of your project. You'd better do all you can to keep that dh of yours happy! He does wonderful work! :D
Awesome photographs and your fireplace looks beautiful! Now that I know how to do the mini-glass tiles, maybe I'll conquer covering the ugly old brick fireplace I have. Everything at your place looks great. Thanks for sharing.
Can you tell me what you used on your fireplace?
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