Loose Ends
Things are shaping up here but there is still a lot I have to do. I still need to finish wrapping and finish cleaning and laundry. Then I need to prepare what I am bringing to sis in law's for Christmas Eve Dinner and something for DH's aunt's house for Christmas Dinner. I also need to make notes of where Christmas gifts are hidden so they can be brought out and put in one general location on Christmas Eve. While we are at sis in law's (she lives around the corner), DH and I will slip out and gather everything into the garage so it won't be so noisy once the kids are asleep. Thank goodness it is usually a late night at sis in law's house. When we get home, the kids just about fall into bed and are asleep in no time. But it is usually around 3 AM when we are gathering stuff around the tree. It makes for two tired parents the following morning when they get up at the crack of dawn. :) But it is what Christmas is all about. Making my children happy while remembering the reason for the season.
Speaking of which, DS is serving the Vigil Mass at 6 PM on Christmas Eve. He is so happy he got one of the evening masses as that is when we normally go. So it really won't be any different but it will be oh so special because he will be on the altar at a most wonderous time.
I haven't stitched and barely crocheted but I am hoping to have a vacation somewhat next week and will enjoy my hobby while relaxing with the kids. They only have today and half day tomorrow and then they are off til January 3. We are all looking forward to it.
I don't know that I will be able to blog again before the big day so I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. I hope you all get what you wish for and enjoy so a joyous time of the year.
I don't think many of us are finding time to stitch right now! Merry Christmas, Mia!
Mia, here's wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas. I don't think I'll be blogging until next week - we're going away for the next 5 or 6 days. I'll be off until the 3rd also, so I plan on moving into the sewing room and be a little bit more creative! Cheers!
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