Like Riding a Bike....
almost!!!!! lol
Well I took the plunge and started my 63 square afghan yesterday. I started on Saturday but it was taking me forever to get the gauge right. I ended up using a size "I" hook and I am just a tad over 7 inches. If I can keep all the squares in that range, things should progress nicely. LOL
It was not smooth sailing and I felt like a complete idiot on Saturday. I actually was fraying the yarn and then ended up ruining the skein completely with a huge tangle. I am laughing about it now but on Saturday I was about ready to give up and take the yarn back to the store. But yesterday was a new day and I sat patiently and on the first try I got the 7 inches and started crocheting square #1 which is the single crochet one. I figure I will do the first few to get my feet wet so to speak and then I will start doing them in rows when I feel a little more confident. I like the idea Jo has of finishing as she goes along. I am the worst at finishing so this would be the most logical thing to do.
So on that note, I have some comments to my comments.....
To Jo - I may have to stop reading your blog because you are the world's biggest enabler. Every time I go there, I need to get whatever it is that you are doing. You do it so well and make it look so easy. Thank you friend and I am looking forward to stitching this along with you.
To Cathy - Again, I am so happy that I will be doing this with fellow stitchers. It is so much fun to expand our horizons by doing something new. You have to give me your blog address so that I can add it to my blog roll and read it often.
To Anneke - I was quite content with cross stitching and blogging but read above. Jo made me do it!!!! lol Some time today or tonight I will post at least the cover of the leaflet and maybe pictures of my yarn and my square so far.
To Karen - I saw the knitted afghan sampler and it is beautiful too. I wish I could knit because that would be another afghan I would like to do someday. I can't wait to see your progress.
To Erica - Erica you can crochet as long as you don't listen to me. lol After all the trouble I had starting, I came close to just giving up. It really is easy once you get that first row in. And it moves so fast that you get a great sense of accomplishment in a very short time. Just think of all the pretty crocheted things you can make. Go read Jo's blog. If that doesn't enable you, nothing will. lol
To Gosia - I hope that you can do this soon, Gosia. I was at the store again yesterday because I needed another skein in the same dye lot for my variegated shade. I am sure I will be going back soon if you would like me to look and see if they have more of the leaflets. Let me know.
I may just end up doing more than one square a week as I am at 5 inches in height for the square I am doing now. So for now, I will do as much as I can and then when I hit the harder ones, it won't be a disappointment if it takes me a week to do.
In cross stitching news, I finally got to stitch last night on my Coffee design. After the next section, I will post a picture. I didn't stitch at all Saturday because of trying to re-teach myself to crochet. It is coming along nicely and I figure in the next day or two, I will have a nice progress picture to show all of you.
In other news, today I have errands to do and laundry to finish and right now there are landscapers in my back yard cutting down these huge ugly trees to make way for a nicer backyard. Very noisy but very necessary if we want to enjoy the yard this summer. I also joined the Wagon bb. I figure I lurk there and see a lot of you there, so it is natural for me to join in. I like feeling a part of a community especially a stitching one.
Have a great day everyone!!!!
I'm glad you got started! I have been finishing as I go along, more so that I don't get confused as to which square is which than anything. My addy is
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