Happy Friday
Happy Friday everyone!!
I am so glad the weekend is here. It is not starting out the best as DS is home with a stomach bug. I picked him up after 1 PM yesterday and since then he has been moaning and groaning (typical male lol) and is basically yuck!!! He has managed toast and ginger ale and sprite so that is a good thing. He seems a bit better today and for that I am grateful. But he is still home from school today. It shouldn't put a damper on my cleaning as when DS is sick, he spends the day on the sofa or his bed and just basically lays around. That is how I know he is sick and not faking. So hopefully by tonight he will be on the mend so he can enjoy the weekend too.
So far I have managed to get DD off to school and mopped the kitchen floor. After I get DS some toast, I plan on cleaning the bathroom and making the beds and straightening. I need everything cleaned by lunchtime because then I need to prepare dinner. It is Friday and that means father in law and sis in law and her family will be here for dinner. DH may not be working the whole day so if he comes home early, that is a plus today because he can help me finish up cleaning and taking care of DS. I figure if I can just get my cleaning out of the way, I can have a free weekend.
For the weekend I plan on not too much. LOL I want to spend the days with the kids and DH (when he is not working), stitch, go to Mass, and basically just relax. I may try to get to AC Moore for yarn but they don't have too much on sale this week so I will see about heading there. The only household stuff I want to do this weekend is laundry. I have pretty much caught up on it and I want to keep it that way.
Hopefully some time this weekend I will be posting progress pictures of mine and DD's latest projects.
Have a happy weekend everyone!!!

Hi Mia,
I hope your son will feel better soon! It's the time of the year lots of people get sick. My sister and her whole family are seek this weekend.
Hope you have a nice, relaxed weekend with good health.
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