Another Proud Mommy Moment
This time it is for my DS. Yesterday he came home from school all excited and asked me to please, please, PLEASE sign the form he came home with. Well the form is for him to become an altar server at Church. I never imagined him wanting to do it but one of our Deacons spoke to the class yesterday and my son decided that he wants to do that. I am so proud of him. He is not very sports oriented other than basketball, some football, skateboarding and snowboarding. He didn't play any sports this year and DH and I didn't push it. But he needs something. I knew after his Confirmation in May that he would be eligible to become an altar server and mentioned it awhile ago. He said he would have to think about it. Well after yesterday he made up his mind and is so excited about it. I signed the permission form and he has to write an essay on why he would like to be an altar server. He already told me that it is his way of thanking God and giving back to our Church community for all he has been given. Awww....makes me proud. While we are not the most practicing of Catholics, I have to admit that I have a deep faith and do pray every day and go to Church whenever I can. But lately, I have been telling the kids we have to make the effort every week and so far so good. After all, I have two children and both children are making major sacraments this year (First Holy Communion for DD and Confirmation for DS). I guess I have rubbed off on them.
In other news, we are expecting major snow at any minute. DS Confirmation Retreat was cancelled for today and now I just got the call that school is letting out at noon. This is great by me because I heard that the heaviest snow is going to hit this afternoon right around the time I would be picking them up. I rather do it at noon and not worry about driving in the mess later in the afternoon. This storm went from a coating to an inch to 4-8 inches. I guess winter just doesn't want to be over yet. We are also expecting more major snow Monday but the news reporters aren't going into any detail about that yet. Sigh.....we had such beautiful weather for a week that I thought we wouldn't get anymore major snow. But at least the kids will get to play in it and maybe even make a snowman. The last major snow we had was too light for it to form even a snowball.
On the stitching front, I am plugging away at the dragon. I think I may put it down this weekend and go back to Coffee. I have been frogging a bit and when I do that, it is time for a change. I made great progress on it and will post a picture of it. I figure I will do a couple weeks on Coffee and then be ready to go back to the Dragon by the end of March. Hopefully the next couple days will be good stitching ones. I know tonight should be because Survivor is on and that is one show that I always seem to stitch to. It is probably the one time of the week that I don't move for the entire hour. LOL
Have a great day everyone!

Hi Mia,
it's great to see your children grow up and want to take responsibility. And it's great to take part in the church community.
Can you show any pictures of the snow. I know it's not fun only, but I envy you a little. We are all excited if some flakes come down (and melt away).
have a nice weekend
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