Burn Out

Fire Dragon 2/25/05

Last night I finally felt that I am ready to go back to my Coffee design. I stitched some and realized that I didn't stitch as much as I did the week before. So it is time to move on. I think I made great progress the past month with Fire Dragon and I am going to try my hardest to get back to it by the end of March. I figure if I can do a week of it every month, it will get done by the end of the year. It is now put away in its pillowcase and can take a bit of a much needed nap. But I have to tell you, I am very pleased with my progress.
I will now be working on Page 2 of Coffee which is the middle top of the design. It will be nice seeing grays, blues, pinks, whites for a change. And hopefully I will do great progress on that in the coming weeks.
I haven't stitched at all on the Celestial Prayer in two weeks. I have been getting to school late to pick up the kids and it isn't worth it for 10-15 minutes to pull it out in the car. I may just work on it a little bit this weekend during the day if I have time.
I need to stop at AC Moore this weekend to get a frame for DD's first finish. They have floss 6 for $1.00 and I think I am going to pick some up to kit up a few designs I have here. I still have my plastic container out from pulling floss for DD's "Honey Bunch" and I figure today will be a good time to make my list and put it in my wallet. I love taking advantage of those floss sales.
The kids had a late start today at 10;30 because of the 5 inches we got last night. I am happy about that because a lot of the streets were melted by then and I didn't have to drive on ice or snow. But that puts a damper on my day because I do a lot of stuff in those early hours. So I figure for today, I will just chill and get some small household stuff done because in reality the kids only have a half day today from going in late this morning. It won't be long before they are home.
Have a great day and weekend everyone!!
Your fire dragon is looking great, Mia :) Those colours really pop on the dark fabric.
You've made great progress and the draggie looks awesome. I can understand why you would get tired of all those yellows though!! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on the coffee design. Have a great weekend.
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