I am so happy that Friday is here and that it is a long weekend. Yesterday I ended up procrastinating most of the day. I just wasn't in the mood to work. I did manage a little but not all. I figured I would have to do it early this morning. It was just that kind of day. I was like a in fog of some sort. I blame it on being sick last week and not getting enough sleep.
But today is different. I feel normal again. It has been over a week since I felt this way so I figured I will take advantage of it. It could be too the anticipation of the weekend too. Whatever it is, I feel happy and content and that is all that matters.
Winter is back with a vengence. It is downright freezing here today. The kids didn't even wait in the school yard this morning. We are also expecting some snow Sunday into Monday. I haven't paid attention to how much but I don't have to worry about going out in it so it can snow all it wants. LOL
After I dropped the kids off at the door, I ran to the grocery store for some things for dinner. I still have to run back out because the fish department wasn't open yet and they told me to wait an hour. I didn't have an hour to kill this morning because of yesterday's procrastination so I came home with part of my groceries and will go back later for the fish. At least now that my typing work is finished, I don't have to rush for anything else today.
I made coffee and got right on here to do the typing. It went rather quick and now I figure I will blog and then surf the bbs and then go back out in the cold before I have to get the kids from school.
It is shaping up to be busy this weekend but a good busy. Tonight father in law and sister in law and her family will be here for dinner. Chances are her and I will stitch some tonight. Tomorrow I plan on going out looking for a First Communion dress for DD. We will probably grab dinner out with father in law and sis in law. Father in law mentioned last night that we may go out Saturday night. That is fine by me. One meal I don't have to cook is a good thing. Sunday I need to take DS for a haircut and that should be about it. I haven't planned that far in advance yet.
I also plan on stitching as much as I can. My goal is to have all the confetti stitching in the dragon face finished. Right now he has these "holes" where there is only one stitch of a color. When I do that, I plan to do the little bit of backstitching that is on his ears, eyes and mouth. I have surprised myself that I have not tired of the dragon yet. I have been working on him solely for a month now and I figure I will still keep going with the flow here. I do want to get back to my Coffee design but that can wait a bit. It is not like it needs to be hung up now in my kitchen.
DD also picked up her stitching last night. I finally frogged the mistakes in her Mary Kirby-Home project and she happily restitched most of it last night. She is still battling a cold and the cold got the best of her last night as she had to keep stopping to blow her nose. But she may have her first finish to report at the end of the weekend. I told her we would go frame shopping next week and hang it in her room. She is already planning her next project. Did I create a stitcher or what???? :)
I hope everyone has a great weekend.

It's funny that you mention your DD because I was thinking about her the other day wondering if she was still interested in stitching. I hope I can happy dance with her soon! Hope you got your work done. I was totally unmotivated yesterday too so there must have been something in the air! Have a great weekend
Hi Mia,
We have 3 daughters and they all have stitched a little, but it's apparently very hard to continue. My eldest daughter is determined to finish her project now. We'll see.
I would be great if she can finish her project. I think that'll be a great stimulans for going on with cross stitch.
Have a nice (not to cold) weekend.
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