My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sunday Already?

It seems like it was just Friday, LOL. It has been a nice quiet weekend full of errands and downtime. Yesterday the kids and I did some running around. I went to AC Moore to get some floss since it was on sale. I also got some little things for the kids. DD picked out a 500 piece puzzle of dolphins. She loves puzzles and wanted something BIG. So far, she is doing great. DS picked out some art stuff. He loves to draw. Well that kept them busy all afternoon and evening yesterday.

Last night we went to the 5:15 Mass so that I didn't have to worry about the mad dash out of the house this morning. We are having Mass in our gym at school (which is a separate building). It was different but very much the same. It was so sad to hear the priest talk about it before Mass started. It was ruled accidental and we are awaiting the news of the engineer who checked for structural damage. If there is serious structural damage, we will be having Mass in that gym a whole lot longer than 3 months. We should know some time this week about the extent of the damage. So far we have lost the entire Church basement and its contents. But it was a nice Mass with a small altar and tabernacle and cross. Some time during that Mass I realized that it doesn't matter where Mass is said. What is important is that it is said and we get the same thing out of it as if we were in a beautiful Church. Father also said during his homily that every neighboring Church in the area offered their Churches and facilities if we needed it. It just wasn't the Catholic ones. It was the Jewish, Lutheran, Orthodox, Unitarian and so on. I think everyone had a tear in their eye as Father read the names of all the Churches that would have welcomed us. Another tear jerker was hearing that the men working on cleaning and rebuilding have been showing up very early in the morning and are working their hardest during the day. At the present time, parishioners are not allowed to help in any way because of insurance. It must be done by professionals but these professionals are the best if they are showing up early and leaving late. During Communion it was weird to see our other priests without their vestments on. Whatever vestments were not destroyed were sent out to be cleaned. Only Father had on vestments. The others just had their purple lenten stoles. And the altar servers were without their robes too. I think the altar servers clothing was destroyed. At least that is what my DS said. But these boys put on their school uniforms (which I am sure was a big sacrifice as it was Saturday) in order to serve Mass. I think everyone left Mass last night knowing that as long as we are together it doesn't matter where we celebrate Mass. It will be interesting to see what happens for my children's sacraments this year. In my eyes, they can receive them in that gym within our parish community. But I guess we will see what Father ends up doing.

In other news, I went back to Coffee last night and have already made great progress on it. It is a welcome change as I really think I got burned out on the colors and black fabbie of Fire Dragon. Hopefully by the end of the week, I will have a scan of my progress.

For today, I just plan on the laundry and stitching and spending time with the kids. I plan on helping DD with her puzzle so it isn't so overwhelming for her. I am also making stuffed shells for dinner and need to prepare that early this afternoon. It is nice having a day home and not having to worry about running about. I don't remember the last time that we had a day during the weekend where we weren't out and about. It makes for a very tired Monday usually. We will see how tomorrow goes. There is snow in the forecast again and I need to see what is predicted and hopefully it will happen during the night. LOL I hate when I no sooner get the kids to school that two or three hours later I have to go back in the bad weather to get them.

Have a great day everyone!!!!


Blogger Cathy said...

It's so nice that the servers were willing to wear their uniforms. As someone who went to Catholic school for 13 years, I know how tired of that uniform you get! I hope the damge isn't too extensive.

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mia, I like the progress on your dragon: it's very radiant. I envy you for your prices: 6 for $1. We have to pay Euro 1,15 for 1, that's about $1,40 for 1 I guess! So stitching is a lot more expensive over here. And because so little people stitch, the prices won't go down, I'm afraid.
Have a nice week, not to cold!

2:54 AM  

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