Thursday Already??
I just realized that I haven't blogged since Monday. Not like me and it is not like I haven't been online. I have. I guess I just don't have much to talk about or I was just too lazy. LOL
I am looking forward to having a long weekend coming up. After being sick since last Thursday and dealing with the aftermath of a sinus cold, I am ready to chill out and enjoy the weekend and especially love getting up later than 6:30 AM on Monday morning.
I am feeling a lot better but still have the residual that goes with a cold. DD was home from school sick yesterday with a fever which has not turned into a full blown cold with a cough that hurts me. I can just imagine how she is feeling. But the trooper she is, she is in school as I type. She hated having to miss school yesterday and was all smiles when I gave her the okay to return today.
I have tons of typing to do for the attorney I work for. I worked all day yesterday hoping for a reprieve today but no. He came yesterday afternoon with more "I need this YESTERDAY" stuff that I must get done. So what am I doing here? I am just being the world's biggest procrastinator today. I just don't wanna do it. But I need to and will as soon as I get my puter therapy in. I figure if I blog now, I will get some type of motivation to do the legal mumbo jumbo that must be done. Sigh.....but hopefully he won't bring more today or tomorrow and I can enjoy the weekend work-free.
I have been stitching and the dragon is looking awesome. I am just about done filling in his face. When I finish that I will post a picture. And I am also getting tons of the sky finished. It is looking great and it is nice to see my family make compliments about it. Tonight should be a good stitching night because Survivor starts. I can't wait. I love that show and it is good stitching t.v. if you ask me. :)
Well I guess I better get my butt in gear and get working.
Have a great day everyone!!!

I'm sitting here procrastinating too. I know that the sooner I get my work done the sooner I can stitch but it's hard to get motivated. Glad to hear that you and DD are feeling better. Have a restful weekend!
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