Stitching Frenzy
I have been stitching up a storm so to speak. Last night it dawned on me that I averaged 4-5 hours per day since Friday. I have made great progress on the Fire Dragon even though it may not look it. During the Superbowl, sis in law and I were stitching (she is making great progress on Augusta by Mystic Stitch) and I ventured into the dragon's face as it was scattered stitches and I figured I would fill in these areas so I can look up and watch the game, the commercials and Paul McCartney. :) Last night I filled in a little more of the face and went back to the partial blocks I still have to complete. When I went to bed, I looked at it and it is looking great. I will post a scan either tonight or tomorrow. Right now I still have a threaded needle in the area I am doing. I also realized that it felt so great to be stitching so much again. I love it and hope the momentum keeps going. As it stands now, I plan on going back to Coffee in the last week of February but it may change depending on how I am doing with the dragon. I may just see this finished this year. I would love it if it happens.
In other stitching news, I ordered myself three more charts from Mystic Stitch. Two are coffee-related designs for my kitchen and the other one is a martini glass and shaker that I plan on hanging in our family room over the bar area once my DH remodels the family room. It was a great sale as I bought three patterns and it was buy 2 get 1 free and the topper was there was free shipping this weekend. And Mystic Stitch ships really fast so I expect it in my mailbox either today or tomorrow. That is how fast she is. Now when I get the patterns, I will pull the thread and keep a list of the ones I need to buy and wait for a sale. I find it is better to be prepared because it is easier to pick up and start when I want to.
Today is Fat Tuesday and my kids are celebrating in school. DD will be making pancakes before lunch and I "think" DS is having donuts. I am not sure. He mentioned that Ms. D was giving them a treat today and I can't remember exactly what he said. For dinner I made our favorite which is bbq beef in the crockpot. I will make rice and a veggie and call it dinner. Right now the house is smelling so great. I can't wait for dinner.
Tomorrow I plan on going to the Ash Wednesday Mass at school. I have been thinking about what I want to do for Lent and I plan on saying a decade or more of the Rosary every day. I am also going to be more patient. I have found the past few months that I can't seem to control my patience and I figure now is a good time to get back on track. I will also try to see things in a more positive light. I have this tendency to see the negative before the positive and I don't like when I do that. Now I am anxious to see what my kids are going to come up with. I think DS made it two or three days last year with his. Last year DD had this chart with something different everyday to do. It was fun and I am hoping they do something like this.
Well I best be getting my laundry done. I have been doing good keeping on top of it and it makes it easier on me if I do a few small loads a day rather than wait for it to overwhelm me.
Have a great day everyone!!

Hi Mia,
can't wait to see your progress.
We had 'as-woensdag'yesterday. You can see the similarities in our languages sometimes. Last weekend part of our little country celebrated 'carnaval'.
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