February Stitching Goals
Well it is February 1 and it is one of my favorite months. Of course I could do without the cold and snow we have here in Pennsylvania but I like Valentine's Day, Fat Tuesday and the start of Lent. I am looking forward to the handmade Valentines I will get from DS and DD. They are always the most precious to me. :)
Here is what I would like to accomplish in stitching this month:
1. Finish up the partial blocks on Fire Dragon and quite possibly do a third row of full and partial gridblocks.
2. Start Page 2 of Coffee. I plan on this toward the end of the month.
3. Finish Celestial Prayer. It is 2/3 of the way done and unless I get snagged with a lot of backstitch, I see no reason it should not be a finish this month.
4. Pick out something new to do as a car project. This will be either a Christmas ornament or maybe a bookmark for DD. I don't know yet. I haven't much thought about it as of now.
I enjoy making small goals for myself in stitching because it makes me focus on what I really want done. I tried the rotation route and it was like work for me and nothing was getting done. Yesterday I took a look at all the projects I have going right now and I try to realistically see what I can accomplish in a month. I guess you can say it organizes me somewhat.
I give a lot of credit to those stitchers who have these massive rotations and charts and plans. They are so organized and they do have lots of finishes to show for it. It just isn't me. I started out as a one-at-a-time type stitcher and while I have branched out in the past years because of the internet, I find myself still sticking with my roots. I just get bored and figure it is good to have one or two or maybe even three things going at a time. In that way, it keeps me stitching. I also see that I enjoy it more.
Have a great day everyone!!!

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