I am so happy to see this week end. It has not been the best of weeks here. Nothing major happening but it was not a good week. I know a lot has to do with TTOM but little things kept happening and it wasn't doing my mood any good. I rather be bitchy when it is that time of the month instead of weepy. This month was one of those weepy ones.
Today actually started out good and I was almost holding my breath as the morning wore on. But it seems that little things that are happening that is making it good. First off, I went to the grocery store and by half way through I realized that I was going to go way over my budget. I shop every two weeks now so it is difficult to judge what I will need in the next two weeks. Well I figure I will just get by if I went over budget. I am in line and the woman in front of me has less stuff and hardly any meats and her bill is $298. ACK!! My stomach sunk. I was going to go way over $300.00 and my budget which was $300.00. Well the best thing happened. I actually was underbudget. I spent $249 and now have $51.00 to go to something else or to hold for my next shopping trip. I was all smiles as I left the store as I was really sweating it out for a good 1/2 hour or so.
Then I come home and my boss calls. He needs me to do something but he won't be picking it up til tomorrow. That means I won't see him til Monday and Monday is pay day for me. YES!!! Every time he says he is coming on a weekend, he never shows. LOL So that means, I can do whatever it is and not worry about it til Monday. So my weekend is free and clear from work.
The kids are doing great and so far DD's teacher is true to his word with what he has been doing. It has only been a full week, but if he keeps this up, he will be my favorite teacher of all time for making my DD smile again about school. DS is doing good too and he told me the other day that his teacher Ms D knows one of the new Survivor contestants. Hmmm, I will be making sure I watch but then again I always do. It is my favorite reality show. Also, Eagles fever is hitting our school. And next week is Catholic Schools Weeks and the school has stuff planned every day including free lunch for the kids, free ice cream, a no homework night, a Superbowl party and a dress down day. So we are excited about that and I plan on attending a lot of the events the school has planned.
In stitching I have been doing awesome with the dragon. I have this momentum going and plan on going with the flow. Chances are this will be on the top of my list for February instead of later in the month. We shall see how that goes as I do want to go back to my Coffee design too. I am also making good progress on my Celestial Prayer and hopefully before the weekend is over I will either be done or almost done with it. My stitchy sis in law and her family is coming for dinner tonight and her and I plan to stitch after dinner til she has to go home. I plan on working on Celestial Prayer tonight because I don't need to concentrate so hard on that as I do with the dragon being stitched on black.
The rest of the weekend will be another low keyed one pretty much. I do have some stuff to do and we will get it done. DH has to work both days. DS wants to have a friend over and we are so happy because this is the first time that he has wanted one of his schoolmates over. DD and I are going to sort and organize Barbie. She got a Barbie Mall for Christmas and we put it together this week and she has been solidly playing with that. Last night she took out her Barbie townhouse and car and played with that. So we decided to go through and get rid of some of the older Barbies that have seen better days along with old clothing, missing shoes, etc. She wants to do this and I figure it will be better for us to do together to show her how long it really takes to clean up the mess she has. Right now it is in two of those rubbermaid containers. I am hoping to condense to one.
I better go and finish unpacking my groceries. I did most of it but still have to put away some of it.
Have a great day and weekend everyone!!!

it is good to see the little things that can make your day. so is stitching most times for me.
have a great weekend.
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