Snowy Sunday
Yep, it is snowing again. But the good news is that it will only be a dusting to an inch. That is a good thing because me and the kids have some things to do outside of the house today. Right now they are at sis in law's house. They slept there last night and I am awaiting their return so we can get our stuff done and then come home and enjoy the day. Late yesterday afternoon, I went to my parents' house to clean out more. I am happy to report that I managed to clear out an entire bedroom. I have lots of treasures that I will box (right now it is on the bed). I left there with a good feeling. DH and I came home and I made pizza for dinner. I made the dough earlier before we decided to go clean out. So with his help, we were eating by 7:30.
He worked all day and then went to my parents so he was tired. We settled in front of the t.v. where he proceeded to fall asleep and I stitched and watched Trading Spaces and Town Haul. The dragon is looking awesome and I just about finished the goal I set out to do for January and then some. This will definitely be on top of my list for February. I am enjoying it and plan on keeping up with it. This is also my oldest WIP in my current goals and since it is for DS, I would like to see it finished by the end of the year. Yes I am hoping but you never know, it may just be finished.
On the subject of t.v., I am sad to hear that Paige Davis is leaving Trading Spaces. I really like her. She is so much fun. I have to say, I wanted to smack two of the homeowners (husband/wife team). Gosh, I couldn't stand her for an hour. I can't imagine living with her. LOL And now I think I have a new show. Town Haul was awesome. Genevieve from Trading Spaces is redoing a whole town and the town is only 7 miles from where the original Woodstock took place. It is such a quaint area in need of a facelift. There are only 500 citizens in this town. Talk about small. It was a fun watch and I told DH he needs to see this show. I like the home makeover shows but haven't been keeping up because we have been so busy. Sometimes I get ideas for my own. And right now I need ideas considering we have only lived here 7 months and have only done a little bit.
The kids are due home very soon and I still need to do my hair. We are going to the Book Fair at school for the opening of Catholic Schools Week. They will get some books and I will buy a book for each of their teachers from their "wish list". I always did it at my old school and it is just fitting that I do it now. Then we need to go to Office Max as DD needs some additional school supplies for the new teacher. I also need to get some stuff for home. Pens disappear around here at an alarming rate. But I know DS needs some new ones. I opened the last box a month ago and there are no blue pens to be found. I prefer black pens so there are lots of them but DS uses blue in school and I don't want to be without.
After that, we will come home, I will start dinner and then settle in to stitch this afternoon. I know the kids will be wiped out from their sleepover and with the weather being the way it is, I am sure they just want to curl up with their new books or video games or toys.
Have a great day everyone!!!

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