Wednesday Already?
I thought the week was going to drag but here it is Wednesday. Half the week over and I still have so much I need to do before the weekend. We are having our friends from our old neighborhood over on Saturday and while I have kept the house relative straight and clean, I still have so much to do. I need to finish up the mountain of laundry that appeared in DS's room. He isn't even a teenager yet and it seems that I no sooner empty his hamper that it is filled again. Sigh....I will get to it today. I also need to run to the grocery store to get things to prepare for Saturday night. But first I need to call and make sure everyone is still coming. I am pretty sure our old next door neighbors are a definite yes. It is the other two families that I am unsure of. So phone calls are in order tonight.
The kids got off to school without a problem. In fact, DD was looking forward to today. That is a good sign. It is better that I have a nervous stomach, stress and sleepless nights for nothing. She is fine and was bright and cheery like she normally is. DS was the same too. I guess the teachers are not putting on any pressure this week.
Last night I pulled out my Coffee design and saw that I have 4 blocks left to do at the bottom of the page. It is not much but there has to be at least 30 colors or more in those 4 blocks. I managed to do a nice chunk of it last night and I may just have it finished by the weekend. If that happens, that means I can go back to Fire Dragon and work on that the rest of the month and not carry it over into the beginning of February. That would be a good thing. The only January goal I need to do is pick out an ornament. There were quite a few in the recent JCS Ornament issue so it is matter of picking one out and kitting it up. I also made great progress on my car project, Celtic Prayer. It feels good to stitch again. It is such a great de-stressor. It is a shame that during the busy holiday season, it was impossible to find the time to stitch. I am sure I would have been way less stressed last month. But you live and learn and who knows, maybe for December 2005, I will just do little things and not worry about any big WIPs I may have going at the time.
I hope you all have a great day. I better get my work done for the day. It is a rainy day here and seems the perfect time to get my dreaded household stuff done. :)

I'm so glad you got to do some stitching! Even 30 minutes feels so good, doesn't it? Have a good day.
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