Weekend Update...
I just had to jump on here for a quick note.
DS report card was soooooo much better than all of us anticipated. He did get a 73 in math but he passed and that was his lowest grade. All of his other grades were high 80s. You should have seen the look on his face when he came out of school yesterday. It was pouring rain but he looked so sunny as I approached him with DD. He is ready to do even better next trimester. Me and DH told him that he was on his way as long as he keeps going on this path. We are proud parents at the moment. DD's report card was awesome. It looks like a small reward is in order for each. I don't think Santa will mind as the kids really do deserve something as they have been trying their best.
Right now I am straightening up the house and then I will vacuum and then I need to prepare a few things for my sis in law R's party tonight. I already made the Amaretto Cheesecake. I did that last night and it looks awesome. Hopefully it will make it to the party in one piece. Everyone in the house keeps eyeing it up. LOL But I will definitely, hopefully bring a piece home for the kiddies. I still have to marinate pasta and veggies for these pasta kabobs and I have to make sausage balls. I will post the recipe for the sausage balls. They are a big hit and soooooo easy to make.
The sinus pain on the right side of my face is gone so I am feeling better other than loosing my voice. I think DH thinks that is a good thing. LOL But I am feeling much better considering that last week at this time I was in bed and remained there til Sunday morning. So I am blessed to be feeling normal again. Well as normal as can be expected from me.
DH went shopping last night at Best Buy so there are more presents for the kids. He couldn't find everything so I may just go out again tomorrow. Sis in law C even mentioned going to Toys R Us tomorrow. I will talk more to her later to see if we can make plans.
So everything works out. I just get so hyped up. I always do this to myself and next year I am going to try hard NOT to do it. I still have two more weeks. That is a lot of days. And I have the greatest DH who is always willing to help out. Last night he decided to go as he knew the soonest I would get out would be tomorrow. So I have that much less to do now.
Have a great Saturday everyone!!!

Congrats on your kids results at school...
Amaretto Cheesecake sounds wonderfully yummy... Do you mind sharing the recipe?
Check my next coming blog entries, Gosia. I will post the recipe. It sounds hard, but it really is easy with great results every time.
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