I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that it is Friday. This week was a long one because of my said panic attack. I am happy to report that I have mellowed out considerably and after talking to DH, it will all get DONE and be great like it normally is.
My baking is finished with the exception of chocolate chip cookies and chocolate spritz cookies. They are easy and if I don't do them this weekend, I can do them during the week. I save them for last as half of them disappear before they can be put away. LOL
I haven't shopped since last weekend but DH is going to Best Buy to get what DS wants and some video games for DD. We have coupons and DH said he will go Sunday. He knows better than me so it is great for me that I get to do whatever on Sunday.
Tomorrow we have the party at dear SIL's house and I have some stuff to prepare for that. I will do it this evening and tomorrow and then enjoy myself at said party.
So I guess I have mellowed a bit. I know I was making myself sick. I had some stomach virus ick last weekend and then the past few days, my right ear, side of throat, eye and sinus/nose hurt. Well today it is all resolved pretty much other than getting the ick out of my nose. So I guess in panicking I was making myself ill. No more. I want to enjoy the holiday time with my family and friends.
I can't wait to get the kids from school today. They are getting their report cards. I pretty much know that DS's is not going to be wonderful. It will be okay. He has made great improvement in the past few weeks but I don't know if it was enough. But if he keeps going the way he is, the next trimester will be a banner one for him. As for DD, I have nothing to say. I think the most she ever got wrong on a test was 4 and that happened only once or twice. DS was nervous this morning and I told him that we (me and DH) are expecting it to be lower than last year. He told me he is trying so hard and I told him it shows. He just needs to keep it up. I think he will. I think he has finally settled in and seems to be enjoying his 11 year old life much more.
Well I better get off this box and get something productive done around the house.
I wish you all a great weekend!!!!!

Mia, I didn't realise that you really were having a panic attack on Monday. I thought you were kind of joking and actually enjoying all the Christmas rush. I tend to read pretty fast and not pay as much attention as I should so I'm sorry I didn't leave you a comment. It sounds as though you are back on track though! While I love this time of year it is stressful and I'm having to lower my expectations of what I will get done over the next few weeks. I haven't stitched on my Mermaid for over a week but it doesn't matter as I'm having fun with Pete decorating the house, and buying gifts. Tomorow we are taking our nephews to cut down trees at the tree farm and I can't wait. I keep telling myself that my stitching will still be there next year! Hugs and love, Jo
Jo, the panic attack was not a medical one. So yes you read it right. I do it to myself every single year. My DH knows that after a short day long outburst and lots of Bah Humbugs, I get back on track. I just kinda pull myself down trying so hard to get it all done. The getting sick thing I think was a coincidence. There is ick all around me these days with the kids, DH, BIL and one of my sis in laws. But getting sick sure made me realize that I need to mellow out or else I will get something worse than a virus/sinus thing. Thank you for your concern. You are so sweet. But things are just fine here in Philly. Have a great weekend.
Oh, no! A panic attack? I can totally relate! It sounds like you totally have a plan in place to get it done...can I come to your house for Christmas? LOL
Erica, you are always welcome to come to my house. Same goes for Jo. It doesn't even have to be Christmas. :)))
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