My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, September 10, 2004


Happy Friday to All!!!!!!

I got off to a good start today and can't believe I am actually writing in my blog at 10:30 AM. So far, I have gotten the kids safely off to school. I was all teary today. Talk about delayed reaction. I think it is because they were in the school yard today (we had rain Wed. and Thurs and they went inside) and I had to drive away without them. I watched for a few minutes as they grouped with their new friends and chatted away not even looking at my van drive by. Made me happy but oh so teary at the same time. I cried all the way home. I quickly got over it as I made coffee and planned out my day.

Today is beautiful here in Pennsylvania. The humidity is GONE and in its place is sunshine and cool breezes with a touch of autumn in the air. I think autumn is my favorite time of year. I don't know why as I like something about all the seasons and we are fortunate to experience all four here in PA.

I plan on getting back into my routine that has been non-existent all summer because of our move. This weekend is the time to do it. The past week with Labor Day and getting back to school, the house has suffered. So I figure I will little by little get myself together this weekend and then starting Monday I will be on track with my weekly stuff. I like spending time with the kids while they are home, so that is why I will get myself started over the weekend and then Monday after I drop them off, I will dig in and do some much needed deep cleaning (i.e., the scrubbing, mopping, etc) that I have been putting off the past two weeks.

I also plan on some stitching. I did stitch last night and the dragon is looking great. I will scan it later. I am liking working in the 10 X 10 grid lines. I feel like I accomplished something and since it is so large and will be in my rotation, I won't lose my place like I did when I picked it up last week after not looking at it for months. Tomorrow I will go back to Chatelaine's Mystery V (I don't remember what it has been named). I was going to do Mystery II (Convent's Herb Garden) but I need to mix up this rotation just a bit. 3 of the 4 weekly slots are going to be large or labor intensive projects. The fourth slot is going to be something new and more than likely it will start off with the coffee cup designs that have been in Stoney Creek Magazine this year. I am going to need to feel the sense of accomplishment because of said large projects. I have also been rethinking my rotation and as soon as I have it all worked out in my head, I will post it here and at the Rotation BB.

Tomorrow is pretty much a free day other than the morning cleaning up. The afternoon and evening are free so I guess whatever DH and I and the kids want to do, we will do it. Sunday we are going to a surprise 40th bday party for a good friend of ours. It should be fun as we will see a few friends we haven't seen in ages. It will be nice to catch up.

It is nice to finally feeling settled. I have a great feeling inside and I think it is because I finally feel at home in my new house. The kids love their new school and DH is doing well with his work. After the past hectic and stressful months, it is good to feel like me again.

Happy Weekend Everyone!!!! Til later......


Blogger Erica said...

Glad to hear they are enjoying school! Enjoy your quiet time and enjoy your stitching! Can't wait to see a picture of that dragon!

7:42 PM  

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