My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Back to School Preparations and Panic

I can't believe it is September 7. Where the heck did the summer go? Better question...where the heck did my sanity go? My kids go back to school tomorrow and while I have the uniforms and school supplies I am nowhere near ready. This year is going to be different. It is not a matter of dropping them off and chatting with moms til the bell rings. This year, the kids and I know no one. The three of us are all brand new to the school. I am sure I saw lots of moms and kids at Church this summer, or at the supermarket, or at the mall. But still I know no one and neither do the kids. Sure, we met people and they made friends this summer but they did not meet anyone who is in their grade, going to their school. Go figure. I don't even know what door to drop these kids off. It looks like I will be stalking my neighbor down the street when she goes for her evening walk. She walks right by my house. Otherwise, I will be banging on her door later.

I am very nervous but I am trying not to let the kids know. They are nervous enough. DS who is going into 6th grade is fearful and anxious and just totally not looking forward to tomorrow. DD who is going into 2nd grade is excited and nervous but she can't wait. Me, I am somewhere in the middle and am going to try my best today to just try to relax and get the things done that I have to get done. Also, stitching will be my salvation later. It has a way of relaxing me. I guess it has something to do with the counting and concentration (and maybe all the color changes on the Fire Dragon).

So as soon as I send this blog entry, I will have another cup of coffee and pull out the brand new backpacks, bags of supplies and start writing names on everything. I will pack them up and put them by the door in anticipation of tomorrow morning. Then I will pull out the brand new uniforms and see what needs ironing and get that stuff ready. Then I will do the hardest part.....trying to put it out of my mind til tomorrow morning. The only good thing is that my children have half days all week so they will just be more or less getting their feet wet and with any luck, tomorrow afternoon, they will come out those doors with stories to tell and new friends made. I sure hope so. I don't know how much more stress I can handle.

Maybe after I do all my school chores today I will feel better. Maybe there will be even another blog entry. I sure hope so. Right now, I have to nag DS to finish a book report that I wanted him to do 6 weeks ago. He is such a procrastinator but this time it is really bad. I guess I didn't nag enough.

Til later.......


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