My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

DD and Mommy's Stitching Update

"Where is Mary Kirby? Home" by Brightneedle Posted by Hello

I am about to burst right now. DD stitched with me since about 7:30 PM this evening. She managed to stitch the skirt and the inside of the house. She is now happily working on the tree that will go to the right of the house. She is sitting here now anxiously awaiting me to send this blog entry. I am more than happy to do so.

Today I posted in the Rotation BB about my September Goals. Well I may have one finished before Saturday. YES!!! I have been working on the design I am doing for DD and I may just finish the cross stitch tonight. If not, I KNOW I will definitely be backstitching by tomorrow evening.

Tomorrow I see a trip to AC Moore with my coupon. I need to buy DD a frame and also a frame for a Led Zeppelin poster my 11 year old DS got tonight. Can you say Daddy Influence on the boy? But it could be worse. I do like Led Zeppelin.

Well I best send this so DD can see her handiwork and I can go back to stitching. Nite all and sweet dreams.


Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

WOW!!!!!!! It's looking great and looks like it won't be long before DD finishes. She did a great job on the skirt with those diagonal stitches and I just love the way the sun is a heart. I love kids and hearing about your DD makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. ((Hugs)) Jo

8:02 AM  
Blogger Erica said...

Awww...that is SO cool and she is doing a great job so far! You are so lucky that your DD is taking an interest in stitching so you'll have someone to go shopping with! My biggest hope for when I have children is that I have a daughter to whom I can pass my stitching things onto and to whom I can teach stitching. You are so blessed and lucky! To Mia's DD...GREAT JOB, kid! *thumbs up*

12:53 AM  

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