My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

A Night With The Dragon....

I survived day two of school and I am happy to report that both kids still like their new school. That is a relief. If DS comes home tomorrow and still likes school, he has broken a record of the most consecutive days of liking school. LOL He is still bubbly and loves it and he actually spoke the words that he can't wait til the teacher starts teaching. I actually had to make sure I picked up the right boy from school. This is the first year that he has experienced nuns even though he has been in Catholic school for 6 years. Our old school had no nuns. Today the children went to Church for confessions in prep. for First Friday Mass and he said the principal (who is a nun) and the other nuns (I think we have 5 or 6) did a little dance and song. He absolutely loved it. I liked hearing about it too. Way back when I was taught by a lot of nuns and I remember a lot of them being fun. Of course not all of them were but the majority were. DD advised me that ALL the girls in her class are her friends. When I asked her to name me some of the girls she responded "I don't remember". LOL Gotta love her.

I plan on relaxing with my dragon tonight. I really wish I stitched more this week but Labor Day bbqs and school has gotten in the way. But I am happy with the little bit of progress I made. So earlier today, I made sure I covered all workbooks, got dinner ready early, and finished all loose ends for the day early. As soon as I send this, I plan on relaxing with my Fire Dragon til bedtime. I plan on Big Brother and football and stitching. Ahhhhh.....what a combination. I love this time of year when football starts. I just love stitching to it. It also helps that I like football too.

I already have the itch to continue with the dragon next week. That would mean I break my rotation. But I am not going to. I plan on posting a picture here tomorrow night or Saturday and then Saturday afternoon, I will go back to Mystery V. I still need a few flosses for the Coffee design so I will put that off another week while I wait for a floss sale. There hasn't been any lately at AC Moore so I am hoping for one soon. I am also tossing around the idea of working on the dragon every other week. I don't know yet. I will see how I can revise my rotation to work more on the dragon even if it means one night a week. I will have to think more on that.

Well, I am off for the night as the dragon is calling......nite all....


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