September Beginnings....
After posting my blog entry yesterday, a kind of peace washed over me. I guess writing it out made me feel better about myself and my feelings. Today I woke up and realized today is the first day of September. With that it is the promise of a new month and all that goes with it, the good, the bad, the ugly. It is part of life. If it was always good, it would be boring. The bad makes us better and the ugly, well let's just leave it there for now.
Last night I actually got to stitch some and later on today I will post a picture of my progress on my project I am doing for DD. As I was getting dressed this morning, I started thinking about my stitching for September. You see, I will need my stitching to relax and de-stress this month. Next week my kids start school in a new school and with it comes new friends, new teachers, new ways of doing things. I have been busy all summer unpacking my new house and making it a home so there was never really any downtime. So going into the school year will be a lot stressful for me and hopefully just a little stressful for my kids. I know they fear walking in those doors but I know that when they walk out that first day there will be new stories to tell and new friends made. After all, my kids are really friendly and even though they feel they won't have friends, I know they will. Hey, I am their mom and moms know everything, right? LOL

So, I was thinking about what I want to accomplish this month. My plan is to start my new weekly rotation starting Saturday. I am also going to try my hardest to keep with it. I always have best intentions but sometimes they fall by the wayside and I end up failing in the first two weeks.
First up, will be Cross My Heart's Fire Dragon which I started for DS last October. I am anxious to get back to it. If, I haven't finished DD's Daughter Is... I will make that a car/travel project as I will be going back and forth to school every day. Maybe I will even work on that some in the afternoons and keep the dragon for the evenings. So my rotation will be started. I am going to try really hard to put away each project Saturday morning and take out the next on Saturday afternoon/evening.
My next goal is to finish kitting up my Mystic Stitch Coffee design. I need about 6 more colors of floss and have been keeping my fingers crossed that there is a sale at AC Moore in the next two weeks.
Another goal is to kit up a few small coffee designs I saw in Stoney Creek Magazine. These may go into my 4th weekly rotation slot as I have it empty at the moment. Also, these said designs require a few flosses.
I also want to kit up a few ornaments. I have only done ornaments in a Christmas Exchange I did a few years back and there is only one I kept for myself. Not good as I would love to have more handmade treasures on my Christmas tree.
I also have promised myself that I will stitch everyday even if it is only one length of thread. It is better than not stitching at all, right?
It doesn't seem a lot stitching-wise, but I would love to see me be more organized with my stitching as I feel that will make me see more finishes. This year there was only one but then again, it has been one of those years.
Now I am off to go do some kitting. At least it is better than frogging.

Sometimes it takes an event like that to really put things in perspective. Your DH sounds like a good man. I hope that the month of September (and the rest of your year, for that matter) goes well and gives you a good foundation for which to build on! Just put your past behind is the first day of the rest of your life. :)
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