Rotation Started
Yesterday I started my new rotation and hopefully this one will work out. It is simple enough to do, I am the problem as I get involved and don't want to switch to the next projecct. I guess that is why I have ONE finish the entire year. Anyway, here is the dragon I am doing for my son. I started this last October after CATS and for awhile it is all I worked on. Then it went away and came out every now and again. That is all changing with my new rotation. This will see 1 to 2 weeks every month. Last night I worked on the top right "square" you see. I am going to try to stitch this within the 100 X 100 stitch grid. It will be easier when I have to put it down. I must have spent about an hour yesterday trying to figure out where I left off. So I figure I will do one or two 100 X 100 squares every evening. That square I did has about 10 colors in it. I guess I need to look into one of those needle organizers I have seen. It gets monotonous switching needles or finding a place in my stitching area for multiple threaded needles. I guess as I stitch, I will think of a better way to place my needles.

Fire Dragon 9-5-04

Not much else on the agenda tonight. Today I was busy and never got around to stitching. Right now I plan on stitching and then enjoying the rest of this long weekend. Tomorrow we have a bbq at my sis in law's house and I have a few things to prepare for that. I don't know that I will end up stitching at all tomorrow.
The project I am doing for DD is almost complete. I never got around to finishing the xs but I figure a day or two in the car waiting for kids to get out of school and that will be that. I also figure I will leave it around and stitch on it as the dragon is too big to move around. I have a feeling her project will be done soon.
Have a great Labor Day everyone. Hopefully tomorrow I will get to blog if I can't get to stitch.

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