My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Why is that when you buy some new techonology, i.e. a computer, it takes days, probably weeks, to get it the way you want?? I spent the better part of the morning trying to get my pictures off the memory stick of the camera. Yes they came off and showed on the screen. Yes, I made a file name and folder. Then I took out the stick, tried to upload them and they are nowhere to be found. Sigh...I guess I better pull out a manual. The guy at Best Buy said we wouldn't need to install our Kodak software as there is something built in in this marvel I call a new computer. I "think" we HAVE to install the software. I even told him I email pictures, post pictures, etc. Stupid him, stupid me. Okay enough of that. I will figure it out and if not, DH will. My answer is to install the software. DH will probably agree as his patience level is worst than mine and believe me, I think I was born without patience. I am just getting antsy as I want to share some pictures with you.

Thank you for your kind comments and support about my next project. I am getting anxious to start but I need to buy the mega skeins of red DMC before that will happen. I also need to dig out the linen and measure to make sure it is enough. I do feel I will finish it sooner as I won't be needing to change color and I can keep a bunch of needles pre-threaded since I don't have to worry about changing the color. I am curious to see how long one region takes me. Some have more to it and some have less. That will determine if it takes a year. Also, in looking at the pictures I printed last night, I may even be able to add some gold metallic here and there. It will all depend on the motifs and if it will look nice. For now, that thought it being tucked away.

I am about 2 hours away from another finish. Happy Hour just has about a half section of border, some backstitch and then charm attachment. That is why I wanted to camera software all set up. I am anxious to show you yet another finish from me.

Once Happy Hour is finished, I will pull out California Wine Sampler. It is already kitted up. I just need to put it in my q-snaps and start. I love this pace that I am moving with stitching. I hope it keeps up.

In household news, I still have tons of laundry to be done. All of the vacation clothes are finished. A few still need ironing and a few still need homes in my kids' drawers. That will happen in the next few days when I tackle the pig sty they call rooms.

For today, I am doing my laundry that piled up since we have been home. I have only to put away the toiletries we brought with us and then the luggage can go in the attic. I also need to get some stuff off my dining room table so it looks like a table again. Not bad considering that we have been home a week today or I should say tonight.

With any luck, I can take a break from laundry and get this house cleaned and in some kind of neat order. I really need to start spring cleaning but I can't do that til all remnants of vacation are cleared out.

For tonight, I plan on relaxing and stitching. I already know what we are having for dinner so I don't have to take a trip to the grocery store or think to hard about what to prepare. That is tomorrow's chore. :)

Have a great day everyone!


Blogger Von said...

Enjoy your stitching time tonight, Mia. You have definitely earned it!!

4:33 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Girl, you make me tired! I can't wait to see your finish - wahoo!

9:15 PM  

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