Olympics & Stitching Overload Oh My!

Coffee Progress-33 1/3% Finished

Yep, you read the title right. We had a quite laid back sort of weekend where I did minimal household stuff and did tons of stitching and watching Olympic events. My kind of weekend which spilled into yesterday because the kids were off from school.
The progress picture of Coffee is from Saturday afternoon when I finished the third page of the chart. This is a 9 page total chart so I am officially 33 1/3% finished this project. Well that motivated me even more so during women/men curling, ice dancing, ski events, speed skating, etc, I started the next page of the chart. This one is on the right side and is page #6. Well between Sunday and Monday, I am about 1/2 way finished that page. I may just have another mini happy dance before the Olympics is over.
Kudos to all of the athletes at the Olympics. Anneke, I was cheering your countrymen during speed skating. Yes I cheer for my country too, but when I have a friend living in another country I have a tendency to cheer for that country too. :) Yes I did see Shani Davis win the gold. I just don't like all the controversy going on right now between him and Chad Hendrick and Joey Cheeks (gosh, he sounds like he should live in Philly LOL). I feel the Olympics is all about team spirit and love of your country. Not everyone is an Olympian and it is a spot to covet and treasure and do well with. I think Shani should have done the Team Pursuit with the rest of the USA speed skaters. I am sure there would have been another gold for him along with the Americans if he had. He is good at what he does and should be proud but I feel bad for the other speed skaters who could not participate in the Pursuit because he would not do it. To me that is not being a team player. I am anxious to see tonight's speed skating where we have 4 athletes participating.
I am really enjoying Curling even though I have no idea what the heck is going on. LOL By last night, DH and I figured the scoring and whatnot out but it took all weekend and I am looking forward to watching the finals even though the USA women did not place. They did great though!!
I love all the ski related stuff and my jaw was dropping last night at the height of the ski jumpers. I give them lots of credit. I have enough of a hard time walking on solid ground some days. LOL
I have to admit that at the beginning of the Olympics that I was not going to waste my time with Ice Dancing. Yet I love figure skating both men and women and the pairs but Ice Dancing??? Not for me. Well I admit when I am wrong and I was wrong. I have enjoyed the last few days of watching and am so glad that the USA medalled in the event. I really did not think they had a chance. But they did and all their hard work showed. I just feel a little bad for the Italian couple. I sure would not want to be around her when she gets her panties in a twist. LOL
And my final comment for today about the Olympics is this and this is totally tongue in cheek. DH and I were watching the Italians win the cross country ski relay or whatever it is called. I do know the Italians won the gold and there were 4 of them with different colored bibs. We actually turned the t.v. on during that event and after a few minutes, DH asked me what event it was. My reply was "Torture". LOL
So to wrap it all up, I stitched during all of these events. I was a total couch potato on Sunday and my stitching shows it and so does my sanity. I even managed a lot of stitching yesterday and last night. I sure hope this keeps up and I have another picture to show you. I may just have this project finished before too long.
I do have to address one more thing. Lee, your comment really hit a nerve with me. That is exactly how I feel about the remodel of our family room. I am out of sorts. While I am fine and able to function there is just something there that I can't put my finger on and I think it is like my karma is out of whack because of the disaster this room has become. I was about to take photos today but decided to wait a few more days. I just can't stomach it and don't want a picture of what it looks like right at this moment. It needs to be swept or vacuumed or blown up. I don't know what!! But I am a little better than I was but I do feel out of sorts a bit and you explained my feeling to a tee. Thanks for commenting. It made my day.
Actually I love all the comments because I know in the next couple of weeks when I start going insane about this redo, I will be blogging about it to get it off my chest and I am happy to know you are there to support me and even cheer me on when I need it.
Have a great day everyone!!
Wow! I can't believe how much progress you've done on coffee - it looks great! I've been loving every minute of the Olympics too. Pete made a comment about the Italian woman and how he wouldn't want to get in her way lol!
Great job Mia! Your Coffee project looks amazing! I have to admit that I haven't touched mine in ages and I don't think I even have 1/4 of a page done. Shame, shame, shame. Your pic is definitely an inspiration
Wow! Coffee is looking great - I didn't realise that it was such a big chart when you've talked about it previously.
Good luck with the renovations :)
Coffee is really coming together! I agree with you about Shani, but I also agree with Dan Jansen. He said on the Today show this morning that it would be better if they'd done the team pursuit after all of the regular races so that no one would feel they had to sacrifice their main race for the pursuit. Overall, I hate the controversies, too, though I was laughing at the Italian ice dancers last night. I didn't think I'd like the Ice Dancing, either, but I really enjoyed it this time around!
Mia, your coffee is looking great! Nice work!
I loved your recap of the Olympics! I am so enjoying watching this year's events!
We've been watching quite a bit of the Olympics too. :D We were on pins and needles to watch the Italians in ice dancing last night after the disaster the night before. Looks like all was forgiven by the end of the night,lol!
Love your Coffee! I think I need to stitch it for my kitchen one day. :D
Coffee is progressing great :) I havent actually been watching the Olympics that much :( But I just found out our cable company has put all the games on a form of TiVo which we can access via our TV, so I think I may have to catch up big time..lol.
You have stitched a lot lately! So the Olympics have another effect: peace by keeping people glued to their couches... lol.
We've especially enjoyed the skating races. Skating is big in our country. Today we had a bronze medaille after two Canadians, but they were great. Tomorrow the last chance with the men 10000 m! I love the match, it's great when a Dutchman would win, but if not, it's okay. The best man wins.
We're watching a lot. It's almost over and the days will look empty for a while...
'Coffee' looks wonderful, you've made amazing progress! Congratulations!! I feel for you during the remodeling time. We're moving soon and all the work that has to be done is getting to me too. I try to keep the outcome in front of my eyes, it makes it a tad easier.
Good luck with everything!!!
It's coming along nicely, I love the colors, too!
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