Slow Start Thursday
This week has been nothing but rushing around. Everything I did was rushing and by evening, I didn't even want to stitch or watch t.v. I ended up in bed before 9 PM. So today when I woke up, I realized that this is the first day all week that I do not have to rush out the door til I have to get my kids. Of course, I have a ton of things that need to be done, but I have only started my laundry. So I figure I will just take it slow today and ease into my weekend. No sense in rushing around today. LOL
One day into Lent, and so far so good. I managed my Rosary yesterday while waiting for the kids and I will probably do that again today. It was peaceful and with any luck, I will have the extra prayers memorized before too long and I won't have to keep looking at the prayer card. :) Yesterday I had a question and asked Sister Regina in our school office. She answered me and also gave me a meditation booklet for Lent. This booklet is awesome. It is a prayer or meditation for everyday during Lent. I like it and will add that for either after my Rosary or some time during the day when I need a little pick me up. So my Lenten Journey is off to a good start.
I didn't stitch last night as we had to get our taxes done. WOOHOO!! We are getting a bigger refund than we did last year and we only owe the state $7.00. Much better than last year's $100. So I was a happy camper leaving the accountant's office last night. This refund will be a big help as my kids' tuition has been raised (what else is new?) and I don't have to worry about where to get the extra funds.
This morning I was straightening after the kids left for school and was looking at "Rose". This is over half way finished. This was originally in my rotation that got put on the back burner. I decided that after I finish this half page of Coffee that I will go back to Rose for a little bit to change things up. I will switch between the two. I also want to pick out a smallish project and will try to do that this weekend. My stitching has been great since the start of the year and I want to continue doing as well as I have been doing. It has been great for any daily stress and it does relax me when I can settle in and stitch. I noticed the past three nights of not stitching see me tossing and turning in the middle of the night. So even though my rotation went out the window, I figure I will throw things into the mix to keep it fresh through the year. The point is to enjoy what I am doing and not obsess over how many finishes or lack thereof there is in a year's time. :)
I still can't find the dang cable thing for the camera. It is probably right in front of my eyes. I need to enlist some help in locating it and hopefully will have some progress pictures for you by tomorrow.
For the rest of the day, I am going to do some laundry, prepare dinner and finish straightening. I need to clean out my catchall area of the kitchen. It has gotten out of hand the past couple of weeks and this time I can't just blame myself. I see that DH has quite a bit of stuff there. LOL
Have a great day everyone!!!
Yeah, I'm going great guns at cutting out sweets here - even boxed up all the sugary snacks and put them away! Out of sight, out of mind! I did decide that starting tomorrow, I'm getting up with Scott in the morning. He usually leaves the house and I'm still snoring away, and I can only imagine how that makes him feel. So, for Lent, I will get up with him and spend some time catching up with him.
My rotation went out the window too this year - I'm just concentrating on enjoying what I am stitching without feeling guilty about what "I should be" stitching. Great to see another in the same boat :)
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