My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Update on DS

Well, the news isn't the best. It isn't bad but it really isn't good. The cast was taken off to day and he was re-xrayed. The doctor also checked him and he is feeling pain in two areas now. One at the growth plate and one right on the side near the thumb. The x-rays showed the fracture is healing nicely but is still fractured. There is also still some internal swelling but I actually saw the fracture in this x-ray. The doctor showed me the growth plate and the area of concern. Sigh....the doctor was okay but me...well...let's say I didn't like seeing my kid's fractured growth plate. I didn't like seeing that little line in there that was the break.

The doctor has DS in a splint and he can only take it off for a shower. Also all his restrictions are still in place and probably will be for the next month. (I hope I survive this one). He is scheduled for an MRI on Thursday and then probably Friday some time he will be recasted for another two weeks. At least that is what the doctor is saying for now without the MRI results.

So now I worry and get a few more gray hairs between now and Thursday afternoon or should I say Friday when I see the doctor. At least I hope I get in on Friday. I got out of the doctor's office at 5, came home made the appointment and called back the doctor's office but they were closed by then. I will call first thing tomorrow morning. I guess if we don't get a Friday appointment, he will be splinted til Monday when he can be recasted.

I have never had an experience with an MRI and I hope DS does well. I am already a mess and I can just imagine how I am going to be with each passing day. If you can, please send some spare prayers and good thoughts to DS and me? I am getting sweaty palms just thinking of DS going through the MRI (it will be closed because I asked).

I am off to bed for now. I can't even focus enough to stitch. I may pull out my crochet for this week and do squares that are repetitious (sp?).

Nite all.....


Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

Sorry to hear about your DS. It's good that its starting to mend though. When I was 7 I had to have my left arm rebroken because it wasn't mending together correctly. I was in a very heavy plaster for 10 weeks. Then I fractured my right arm a year later and my left arm again when I was 14. My mother totally blames all her gray hair on me! I have also broken my nose twice! I keep forgetting to reply to your email about the NZ cockles. I have to chuckle a little because when we were kids we used to collect buckets full of cockles and steam them open over a fire on the beach. Now Americans are eating them in fine dining restaurants!

8:33 AM  

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