My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Sunday, May 01, 2005


I can't think of a proper word to describe yesterday but it was WONDERFUL!!! Okay, the weather did not cooperate at all but maybe it did. DD was in and out of cars between rain showers. :)

She looked like a princess. She is so sooooo beautiful but yesterday she was absolutely gorgeous and angelic in her white dress and headpiece. She brought tears to my eyes as well as DH. My little baby (and she is my baby) is growing up to an incredible little girl.

I had her at the hairdresser (my cousin) by 9 AM. At 10 AM I was driving in a horrible rainstorm to get home. But that was okay. We were safe and dry in our van. I arrived home and called DH from the driveway to open the door. As it turns out my nephew who is our family photographer pulled in behind me and got DD into the house without a drop of rain hitting her beautiful updo. LOL I got her dressed quickly, DNephew took some photos and off we went to Church. The children could not march into the Church from school but they did walk up and down the aisles of Church with the altar servers. DD is 3rd in her class in size and was in the first pew. We sat in the pew across from DD so we had great seats. Their voices were angelic as they sang hymns, said prayers, and answered Father when he gave his homily which was basically a question and answer session of what the Eucharist really means. Afterwards, they stood on the altar with Father for a photograph as well as photographs with family and friends.

We got her home and I changed her back in to PJs so she didn't wrinkle up her dress before our guests arrived. Her party was awesome. Everyone and I mean everyone had a great time. Our last guests left at 1 AM. We had a blast. The food was great, the company was even better. Even though the weather did not cooperate, I had a house full of family and friends and they were all there to celebrate a special milestone in my DD's spiritual life. It was magnificient.

Of course I am exhausted and have been all day but we just got in a little while ago from DH's uncle's 65 bday party. So all in all it has been a wonderful weekend.

I have most of the stuff put away from the party and still have some more to do but I can do it tomorrow. I also can't wait to stitch again. It might not be tomorrow night but it will definitely be Tuesday. The only thing I have planned this week is an orthopedic appointment for DS who sprained his wrist a week ago and ended up in the ER because of it. He is doing much better and today is the first day he did not need his splint so at least I know he is healing. I also need to make dinner reservations for next Tuesday when DS makes his Confirmation. So it is still not a dull moment in this house. LOL But the good news is it is May and with May comes another 6 or so weeks of school til summer vacation (my favorite time of year).

Have a great evening everyone!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pleased it all went to well for you, Mia :) Congratulations to your DD and good luck for your DS's confirmation.


1:29 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

I was thinking about you and your DD all day on Saturday and hoping that you were able to get her in and out during the non-raining times. The weather co-operated for my friend who got married that way, too. It only rained after she had gotten into wherever she had to be next! I'm glad to hear it went so well. Take a little time to relax with a cup of coffee today!

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mia,
I was convinced everything should go well - you had done so much - but it's a great relief as it does.
I can feel your excitement through the blog, so it really went well!
Great you had such a good time and that DD did so great. All your and her hard work has been rewarded.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

I'm so glad to hear that everything went well!

6:15 PM  

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