I am so glad to see Friday arrive. Even though it has been a slowish type week, I am exhausted. I think it is just getting used to not having a 1000 things to do to prepare for a party. :) Anyway, I am glad the weekend is here.
I am getting some housework done and will do that today and tomorrow so I can do NOTHING on Sunday for Mother's Day. I usually try to do that but it doesn't really work and I normally do some stuff for Mother's Day. We are eating at my sis in law's house. I called her this morning to invite her over here but she invited us over there. No problemo here. She lives less than a block away. Chances are it will be bbq as the DHs are supposed to cook so I will prepare dessert or a side dish to bring.
DS's wrist is feeling a bit better but I think that is because he can't move it because of the cast. Right now he has a friend over here and it is so nice that he is finally feeling comfortable enough to invite friends over. Only problem is this boy is moving to Texas in June. How sad do I feel as I love this kid. But til then they can have lots of fun.
Not much on the agenda tonight. I plan on stitching. My wrist has been bothering me along with my pinky finger. I think I pulled, sprained, hurt it during my preparations for the Communion. It is feeling a lot better today. It never hindered me from stitching so I look at that as a good sign. LOL
Here is my progress on Celestial Prayer:

Celestial Prayer 5/6/05

As you can see there isn't much left to do. I hate when I put things away when they are so close to finishing. I am now getting the itch to start something new. I don't know what yet but I will feel less guilty if I finish this up. I have a few things that I can finish but figure I will finish this, start something, go back to Coffee/Fire Dragon and then finish up another WIP. I have a few in various stages so that is my new get rid of some as they nag me every now and again.
I havent' crocheted in over a week. I lined up the first row and two of the blocks are too small so I want to redo them. I started redoing one but then the weekend got busy and then I really wanted to stitch so I haven't felt much like crocheting this week. I will get back to it shortly especially since we will be going to the pool club this summer and that is so portable. I am looking forward to lazy summer days, sitting the in shade and stitching or crocheting. Hopefully it happens as I would love to see some finishes this year.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!
Your president is about 150 km from our house! Isn't that funny! Well, I'm not going to see him. I'm enjoying mother's day, I hope you do too.
Your celestial prayer is beautiful, you have to finish it! I recognize that you want to start on something new. But it's very rewarding to finish up a piece. You can put it away (where you want it) for ever!
Enjoy the peace and quiet after your busy weeks.
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