Remember, the little blurb I put in my blog yesterday about DS having to get his wrist examined today after a fall last week??? Well, it turns out DS has a fractured wrist right at his growth plate. ACK!!! Oh the Mommy-Guilt is horrible right now as I made him go without his splint since last night.
The doctor was feeling his wrist and DS was saying this part doesn't hurt and that part doesn't hurt and so on. Then the dr. went and put his fingers in the middle of his wrist between the two side bones and DS nearly went through the ceiling. The dr. saw his face and asked if it hurt. DS choked out that it hurt really bad. The dr. left the room to go look at the x-rays again (the ones we had done last week) and came back and said the x-rays were inconclusive (which we knew because of last week's swelling) and told us that DS has a fractured wrist. DS and I just looked at each other. I don't think we said a word for a few minutes. The dr. left the room to get some stuff for DS and we just talked about what the heck is going on. The dr. came back in and my DS is sporting a brand spanking new blue cast for the next two weeks. Just what we need one week before his Confirmation. We should have gotten a red one but that color wasn't offered. LOL In two weeks the dr. will remove the cast and re-xray him and if all is well, he will be back in a splint for a bit. If it is not healed, the cast goes back on for another two weeks. Soooooo......that is where we stand. But we are taking it well and DS feels better with the cast on if you can believe that. We are doing fine and laughing about it. After all, we are all still on a high after the wonderful weekend we experienced. And the Mommy-Guilt, well let's just say that I feel a little better after I talked to sis in law. I am not a doctor and I don't know what to look for if something isn't cut, bruised or swollen for any period of time. DS had none of that except the initial swelling which went away by last Wednesday.
Today I didn't feel like crocheting after school so I pulled out the Celestial Prayer I am doing for DS. I think I am going to finish this up so I will wait to go back to Coffee for a week or so. After I send this, I plan on stitching. It is almost finished and hopefully I will be able to report a happy dance some time in the next week or so.
Tomorrow I need to get back to reality and tackle the laundry that has taken over the house. I swear I can't leave it go for a day and here I am on day 4 or 5 of no laundry so you can just imagine how the hampers are busting.
Have a great evening everyone!!!!
Oh, I'm sorry for your DS! Are they wearing robes for Confirmation? If so, the robe might cover the cast, most of it, at least!
Oh no! I hope your DS heals quickly and I guess this just gives him one more reason to remember his Confirmation day lol!
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