My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Back to Reality

I had a great weekend. I tagged this weekend a couple of months ago and it lived up to it's word. After all the preparations, Sacraments, parties, and whatnot, I knew I would need a weekend of downtime with no guilt. Well this was the weekend and it was great. It was full of friends and fun. Of course, the guilt was setting in last night that I did no laundry, no cleaning, no nothing. But by that time, I was going to settle in for Survivor and wasn't about to start anything. Of course, I did no stitching or crocheting either. But now it is a new week and I feel refreshed after taking a much needed break.

So far today, I am on my 4th load of laundry and there is a lot more after that. But the pile is now dwindling down and I don't have to worry about us having clean clothes for work, school and play. Tonight my girlfriend K is coming over after work and will have dinner with us. If she leaves early enough, I will pull out my stitching and try desparately to finish the Celestial Prayer for DS. I only have some half crosses and backstitch left to do. I also decided to dig in my stash (one of my fav things to do) and pick out a new project. I think I need a new project to jump start me back into my big projects. I don't know what I will do yet so I will keep you posted as the week goes on.

DS gets his cast off today and I am so hoping that he doesn't need to be recasted. If he does, this is the best time as the pool club doesn't open til Memorial Day weekend. But if he doesn't, he will be braced and then have to go back in two weeks for another recheck. So I am keeping my fingers crossed for him that everything is healed and he can have the wrist brace now and then nothing in two weeks.

Well I better be going. I want to catch up on blogs and the bbs. I was barely online all weekend and can use a web fix.

Have a great day everyone!!!


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