Proud Mommy Again!
DS's Confirmation was absolutely breathtaking. What a night!!!! I thought it would be hard to top the Communion Mass. I was wrong. They pulled out all the stops for the Confirmation. It was such a wonderful event and time for my DS and all of the Confirmandi. The Bishop was so great with the kids. DS even answered a question. In fact, after answering the question, the Bishop asked him why he was wearing a cast. It was so sweet. I thought DS would faint but he answered without a quiver in his voice.
Watching him and sis in law approach the Bishop for the anointing of the Holy Spirit brought tears to my eyes. My parents and mother in law would have been proud. I am sure there were there last night watching their grandson. I know my mother's was the loudest voice in Heaven last night as her and DS were very close.
After the Confirmation we went to a nice restaurant near our home and had a great time. It was so great to know that I don't have another big party for a couple more years. I realized last night that I witnessed three Sacraments this year. And my children did a great job in becoming closer in their Catholic faith. We started them in Baptism and they are headed in the right direction now.
I just hope DS has an easy day today. He is exhausted. He served Mass this morning at 8 AM and DD made a comment that we have been to Church 3 times this week. Well we have to do it again tomorrow as DS serves the 8 AM Mass again. But it is a great feeling to know that on his father's and then my birthdays he is serving Mass.
Well today is DH's bday. I shouldn't be sitting here as I need to prepare dinner and do laundry which has reproduced in the past few days. In a little while, I will go to the grocery store for some things and then I will come home, start some laundry and then start dinner.
It is a good feeling that in the next few days I will get myself back to my normal routine. It has been awhile since I had one and I feel better about myself when I have a routine. I also want to stitch more. Now that I have no obligations for the next month, I can relax at night knowing that I shouldn't be doing something else to prepare for an event.
Have a great day everyone!!!
Congratulations to your DS and I'm happy everything went well. I hope you get some nice R&R soon as you really deserve it!
congratulations to you for both your son and your husband. great that everything went well and that you had a nice time afterwards.
enjoy this day too and good luck with your laundry :)
Happy Birthday Mia!! Hope you have a great day.
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