When Life Hands You Lemons..
Don't get me wrong, I am usually the person who makes lemonade. DH tells me I am a thinker and I go through a rational thought process to come to a conclusion. In some ways I am the opposite of DH who reacts first, thinks later. But we are good together.
This has been one of those weeks.
DS and DD brought home Progress Reports from school yesterday. DD is doing great. DS is not. WHY? You may ask. I don't have an answer. But I do know this. Since the FIRST conference with his teacher, he has made improvements. Not by leaps and bounds but he is headed in the right direction in me and DH's eyes. His work is neater, he is taking his time and has pulled up some grades. I not only get a Progress Report requesting yet another conference with his snot nose teacher who is half my age and acts like she knows more than me where DS is concerned, but I also got a Failure Notice for Math. According to her, his work is sloppy, not handed in on time, does not follow directions, does not do classwork. WHAT??? Well it was not a happy afternoon/evening in our house last night. DS did homework and test corrections til 10 PM last night. There were lots of tears and hair pulling (mine) last night. I did not sleep. I finally got up when I heard DH's truck in the driveway. It was 6:15 (I am normally up at 6:45). I sat at the kitchen table and paged through every book DS brought home last night. There were LOTS. Since September, his work is neater and you can tell he is taking his time. His answers are correct, the classwork is complete and then there is this crap about handing stuff in on time. Well that is bullshit!!! (sorry for the cussing, it is not normally like me). I sign every single assignment and project. I make sure they are in the backpack. They never return here til they are graded. So what happens to them? There is never a note that he didn't hand it in. The grades are okay. Some could be better but they are okay. Oh, I am just fuming right now.
I put the books away and wrote her a note asking to give times for a conference. DH is going to try to go too. You see, unknown to DS, we are not crazy about this teacher. Everything she told us at Back to School night has not happened. In fact, just the opposite. DH brought it to my attention last night. He is so right. She said she doesn't give much homework. She said most projects are done during class time (so not true). She said she makes learning fun. She said she works with the children individually if they are struggling. (again not true). She said she is always available. (hmph...I won't even go there as I have tried to talk to her on another occasion in the past two weeks). I also put in the note that DH and I have seen an improvement so we know DS is trying. Hey, someone has to be in his corner. I am raising a great kid. The look he came out of school with yesterday will haunt me for a long time. I have tears in my eyes just thinking of it. He looked defeated. This can't be. I can't have an 11 year old who is ready to give up. I won't stand for it.
DS woke up this morning and told me he is starting over and will do better. I know he will. He has been trying so hard and I see it as does DH. I just hope the smile he had at breakfast will be there this afternoon when I pick him up.
I came home from school this morning and called DH. I never call him on the job, but he picked right up. He had a rough night sleeping too thinking of DS. He came to the same conclusion. We feel this teacher doesn't like N because he is high maintenance in her eyes. Don't take that the wrong way. What we mean is since he is brand new to this school, he doesn't know the ropes so to speak. She doesn't want to take the time to show him so he is floundering and we are floudering trying to stay on top. She just wants to stand there and rattle off and assume the kids will follow the right procedure. Well WRONG!!! He learned at another school for 5 years and I never had a problem (except 3rd grade) and he bloomed there. Last year was a banner year for him. He doesn't know what to do and can't find a way to do it. So we are doing it our way. He was unsure about a homework assignment last night. I helped him and he was scared because I made him do it my way. It was correct and neat and she can say nothing about it. If she does, the next step is a meeting with the principal. Actually, meeting the principal will probably happen if I am not happy after this next conference.
I could go on and on but I won't. I do want to say this. I think teachers have a tough job. I admire and respect them BUT I feel they should respect the children and the parents. I feel I am not getting it with this teacher. I do not look at school as a daycare center. It is a place to be educated. That is it. The fun, good times and play happen outside those walls with me and DH and friends and family. Please don't think that I feel my kids do no wrong. They do and I would be the first to admit it but they also know manners and respect. They also know right from wrong. They were taught that from birth.
If you got this far, thanks for letting me spout off. Hopefully I have not offended you. It is not my intention. I am not a confrontational person, but just don't cross one of my children. After all, I knew them 9 months before anyone else did. I also know what they are capable of and in some ways, I know them better than I know myself.
Now I have to go and get my stuff done. I tell you my heart is just not into anything today. Hopefully I will have something happy to report soon. I sure hope so.
Oh Mia, I'm so sorry your DS has to put up with this treatment from his teacher, and you have this to worry about. I would definitely talk to the principal if you continue to be unhappy with the teacher. Hugs, Jo
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