Happy Weekend!!!
It is Friday and I am so glad the weekend is here. It is shaping up to be busy, but in a good way.
Tonight I have my DFIL and sis in law and her family coming for dinner. After dinner and dishes, sis in law and I are going to stitch. I am almost finished with the Pine Mountain Recipe pillow kit that I bought at CATS. I probably would have had it finished but there were a few nights this week that I never got to sit and stitch. Hopefully I will have it finished this weekend. At least I know it will be a Christmas decoration this year.
Tomorrow DD and I are going to a Halloween Party at her school. She is so excited. It is for grades Pre-K to 2 so DS will stay with DH. DH is going to start ripping apart the powder room while I am gone. Then when I return, we will make a trip to Home Depot and Lowes to pick out toilet, sink, mirror, tile, etc. for the bathroom. We also need to pick out a light fixture for our dining room. After our Home Depot trip, we will go to my parents so I can pack up the stuff in the dining room. DH told me he will do his hardest to get the dining room set to our house before the holidays begin. I also have to take some of my grandmother's linens and tablecloths because I think they would be perfect to decorate my table for the holidays. Of course, I will buy a cheaper tablecloth for any meals or entertaining. I don't want to ruin something made by my grandmother's hands. They are priceless to me and I am so happy my mother had them. They will become mine and I will treasure them. We will also grab dinner somewhere. I think the kids will be excited eating near our old neighborhood for a change. DS constantly complains that he likes Philly take-out better. You would think we moved to a different state instead of 20 minutes away from Philly. LOL
Then of course Sunday is Halloween. I plan on having the day as low-key as possible because I know what the evening will be like. DD is going to be a feathery witch. Her costume is so cute. Her hat is trimmed in feathers and the cuffs of her dress is trimmed in feathers. LOL She also wants her daddy to paint her face. She says that now. It may be a different story come Halloween night. DS is going to be a gory butcher. This should be interesting because he keeps changing how he wants to look. But no matter, he will be gory and handsome at the same time.
Monday my kids have off school for All Saints Day so that is going to be great. We will have a fun day at home. I already told them that we could even bake cookies again. We had fun the other day and I enjoy baking with them. Those are the moments to treasure forever.
I am also excited about turning back the clock. I don't like the darkness early, etc. but to me, it means to slow down for the long winter months. Also that extra hour sleep doesn't hurt either.
Hopefully there will be another post from me over the weekend. If not, Happy Weekend and Happy Halloween to you all. Stay safe and have fun.

Lee, you are so right. But you forgot one thing...the bread. LOL Even though I am 20 minutes away, I still can't find good Italian bread here. I was lucky where we lived that we had two great bread bakeries minutes away from my old house. Sigh....
It is nice to know that someone feels as DS (and me) feel about Philly food.
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