Tuesday Babbling
I had good intentions of writing a post yesterday but it just wasn't happening. I did manage Sunday Brunch and QOTW but never got back here to update on the weekend or just life in general. It seems that Tuesdays are my days to play catch up lately.
Yesterday the kids were off from school for All Saints Day. It was a great day for them to come down off their sugar high from Halloween. LOL I managed a little bit of housework but spent most of the day with them playing video games. They think I am cool that I sit and play with them. LOL
Halloween was great and the kids had lots of fun. As soon as I get my pictures back (no digital camera yet), I will post one of my witch and mad butcher. They had lots of fun in the new neighborhood and came home with lots of candy, some of which is already on my hips. We (according to DH) had lots of trick or treaters and went through 7 bags of candy.
This morning I actually got to stitch a bit. I haven't picked up a needle since Thursday. You would think I would be anxious to get this Pillow Recipe done. I looked at it this morning and told myself it would have been done and stuffed if I stitched this weekend. So hopefully tonight I will be able to get it finished.
The rest of my day is laundry. I want to get all my cleaning and laundry done before the weekend. We are just too busy these days and I don't have the weekends to do it anymore. Actually that is a good thing because then I can have free weekends. Hopefully my plan will work. I am doing all laundry today, ironing tonight and then tomorrow I will tackle the cleaning. I have to get the house tip top because I am hosting Thanksgiving here this year. It will be my first Thanksgiving in my new home and my first time hosting. I normally try to snag Christmas but this year one of my sis in laws wants it because it is on the weekend and since she works, it will be easier on her. Fine by me. Now to come up with a menu. Don't laugh, I know the turkey. It is just the rest of the stuff. I will probably have a few agonizing blogs in the days to come.
This weekend, we bought a chandelier for the dining room. It is pretty and hopefully in the next week or two, I will get my dining room set in here. It is my mother's and I also spent part of the weekend at my parents' house cleaning out and the dining room is almost ready to go. I just need to carefully pack my mom's beautiful china.
I better go and get my laundry out of the dryer so I can move on. So far so good with one load washing and one load drying. Hopefully I will have it all finished before day's end.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!!

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